The Artist “Strikes” Again!

Let’s revisit a wee observation from Anatomy Lesson #18, “The Wedding – Part Deux,” wherein I note a discrepancy between Jamie’s injuries as revealed in the flogging scene (Starz episode 6, The Garrison Commander) and his healed scars (Starz episode 7, The Wedding).

ep 7 whip lashes KLS edited

Although his flogging injuries stop above the kilt top (~L4-L5 IV disc), the scars descend over most of his sacrum (~S1-S4 levels). Several friends via different arms of social media propose that the first flogging (which we did not see) accounts for the sacral scars. As a scientist, I would be amiss to not consider all possibilities and probabilities. But (not butt), the likelihood of flaying just sacral skin while sparing buttock skin approaches zero even if performed by a gifted wielder of the whip such as our residence sadist, BJR!

So, I stand by my original observation: artistic license accounts for the prosthesis extending below the actual flogging injuries. These special effects are especially stunning because they grip our minds and force us to confront uncomfortable truths. Does anyone care? Well, I do of course! Big grin. Anatomy Lesson #19 coming up next Tuesday. See you then!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

9 Replies to “The Artist “Strikes” Again!”

  1. I don’t think it is unlikely that his shoulders were somewhat spared. He is a good bit taller than BJR after all, so it seems locigal that the mid and lower back would receive most of the lashes.

    BTW I love the blog. I’m a (female) vet but that doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate the human body, particularly when it is such a fine example of the male anatomy…

    1. Hi Tasha: Right you are. Jamie is taller and toward the end poor BJR’s arm was getting weary so I expect it was harder for him to wield that noxious whip.

      Thank you so much for the compliment. Glad to hear you are a vet. Bet you are hearing lots of familiar terms as there is a good deal of cross-over. And, yes, Jamie’s male anatomy is the best I have worked with thus far!

  2. Great question Esther. Actually wound healing is complex and does involve scar contraction wherein the wound gets smaller. Most studies puts completion at 1-2 years but that depends upon wound size and healing conditions. Some wounds take longer. I suspect flogging scars would take longer but can’t find studies on it because there are not many places in the world where it is done and studies would be considered unethical.

  3. Hi Carol. One would think so and there are a few scars up on his shoulder blades but not many. It is possible that movement in with the prosthesis is limited. Maybe he needed it shortened up top to,free his shoulders? I don’t know anything about these prosthesis so could be spitting in the wind there.

  4. I love these, they’re so interesting. Question, it has been on my mind ever since I saw these prosthetics.
    Further along in the books (the older Jamie) Diana describes the scars as more faded, silvery lines and not these deep grooves we see in the show right now. Is that something that would happen as scars age significantly?

  5. Hi Carol. Good point. The flogging as depicted in episode 6 doesn’t have much injury high on the back or the back of shoulder. Seems most was to the mid back region….BJR’s target area?

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