Fun Fact: Vastus medialis


Anatomy def: vastus medialis, the most medial of four muscles constituting the quadraceps femoris muscle of anterior thigh.

Outlander def: long awaited, verra fine thigh muscle of Dougal MacKenzie, War Chieftain of Clan MacKenzie!

Learn about the vastus medialis and quadraceps femoris muscles in Anatomy Lesson #7 “Jamie’s Thighs” or “Ode to Joy!”

Read about Jamie’s thigh muscles in Dragonfly in Amber book (alas, couldn’a find a Dougal quote):

I scooped out a good bit of the salve and spread it down the long muscle of the thigh, pushing Jamie’s kilt above his hip to keep out of the way. The flesh of his leg was warm; not the heat of infection, only the normal heat of a young male body, flushed with exercise and the glowing pulse of health. I massaged the cream gently into the skin, feeling the swell of the hard muscle, probing the divisions of quadriceps and hamstring. Jamie made a small grunting sound as I rubbed harder.

See Dougal’s kilt-kick showing a fierce and fine vastus medialis muscle in Starz episode 209, Je Suis Prest. Thank ye verra much, Dougal!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist