Friday at 2019 New York ComicCon!

Hello, faithful readers!  Sorry this Friday post is late. So much going  on throughout the day, I have struggled for a quiet moment to compose this post! 😱

Friday morn began early, but without rain! 😁 My Hawiian roommates and I rushed to join several fans from the east coast for a quick breakfast!

The streets of NY show signs of Halloween joy!

An array of beautiful, cheerful pumpkins! 🎃

And, minutes after we walked thru this wee park near Macy’s who should appear? We just missed them!  All in the timing! 😜

Onto the Javits and Friday’s fare!  Passed by the new “Vessel” near Hudson Yard.  This is a walking structure for exercise in the city!

Headed up to the press room and met Ironman, Tony Stark along the way! Terrific likeness!


A few minutes in the press room and then sat in on this fascinating panel, “I Love You, 3000!” Timely discussion about deep emotions fans experience about their fav shows, actors, authors!

I couldn’t get near the front, but the discussion explored intense emotions evoked on SM about fan’s fav shows! Including but not limited to: love, passion, anticipation, gratitude, rage, anger, betrayal, disappointment,  and many more. These feelings for fictional stories and their characters have been labelled “parasocial” relationships by researchers in the field.

In a nutshell, we Outlander fans are not unique in our feelings. We are so deeply invested in this story!

Back onto the floor for a bit more cosplay. Am so impressed with the detail and effort many costumes require!

A very good WonderWoman. This is a popular costume, as one might expect!

Don’t recognize this deity/being. Do you?

Fairy tale princesses!


And, drawing her arrow! Off I go! 🏃🏻‍♀️ 😁

Beautiful scarlet bridal gown! 😲

Waited another hour in line for the Castlevania panel. Worth the wait though. Guess who?

Into a new big hall in time for the  Castlevania panel featuring our fav uncle! 👊🏻


Graham gave interesting responses to several questions. This one is about the experience of voicing Dracula in a recording both by himself!  Enjoy his deep and resonant tones! 🤗

Back to the hotel, shower, brush teeth, fall into bed! Repeat!

Took another big bite out of this big 🍎!

The deeply grateful

Outlander Anatomist

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photo credit: Outlander Anatomist, Jeri Sato from Hawaii, and a friendly New Yorker



friday at 2019 NY ComicCon!

Day one at NYCC was a great day!

Very rainy outdoors, but soon undercover. Then, waited in the human crunch for 45 minutes!

Finally,  into the Crystal Palace of the Jacob Javits Convention  Center! Amazing structure!

And, from a different angle!

Still a wee bit sparce on attendance first thing, but that will change soon!

I am told this lovely creature is from Carnival Row!

So elegant!

Another fabulous costume! Who is he? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Look at these wee lads! I love the cosplay! 🤗

Now, here is a costume everyone can get behind! 😉

From the front, just to be fair! 😜 Jack Sparrow I reckon?

A great Captain America!

Afternoon panel, Si-Fi for the screen with Dinesh Shamdasani, producer of Bloodshot, Sam’s new, yet-o-be-released film with Vin Diesel! An interesting discussion about issues adapting books/comics to screen.

One of the most interesting comments came from Denish! He commented that the best adaptations fulfill two major requirements! 1)  faithfulness to the characters. Should avoid deviations! 2) faithfulness to the tone. By this, he meant how the story makes the reader feel!

I thought these were  important insights in the the process of converting Si-Fi to film!

Attending the panel was a cosplay stand-in for the main character in Bloodsport, played by Vin Diesel!

A quick trip to Shake Shack for a pumpkin milkshake 😋 and back to the center to stand in line for StarTalk with Neil deGrasse TysonFrederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York City. Guests for the night’s panel were Charles Lui, astrophysicist at the American Museum  of Natural History and a very funny comedian, Chuck Nice!

For this next hour, these funny men kept us in stitches as they compared the physics and biology of Star Trek to Star Wars (Star Trek won hands down!)

They discussed the different types of metals used by Si-Fi heroes such as Thor’s hammer, Wonder Woman’s bracelets, Wolverine’s claws, warp drive, and on and on Continue reading “friday at 2019 NY ComicCon!”

Guts ofOutlander, Episode 4

Welcome, Outlander fans, to Guts of Outlander, episode 4! Jamie’s sad scars, courtesy of Black Jack Randall! The horrific scourging and the resultant scars! Here is abbreviated form…..  If you want to  pursue this topic and much more detail about Jamie’s back, read Anatomy Lesson #10, Jamie’s Back!

The deeply grateful

Outlander Anatomist

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Video credit:   Starz ep 102, Castle Leoch, Starz ep 106, The Garrison Commander