How Claire Got Her Name – 2017 SDCC with Diana!

In Shakespeare’s play, Juliet argues on behalf of her Romeo:

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;

Really? What do you think? If Claire were an Alice, Beatrix, or Portia, would she prove as compelling a heroine? And, how did Diana choose her name? I asked Diana during our 2017 SDCC convo. Not surprisingly, her answer proved both informative and entertaining!

Speaking of names, Diana is not stingy with them. In her The Outlandish Companion (Vol. 2), she lists the names and descriptions of all characters in her big novels plus all the Lord John books. They begin on p. 249 and continue through p. 367! She names doormen, cooks, laundresses, tavern owners, the butcher, the baker and candlestick maker. Seriously, in my view, giving names to even minor characters adds flesh to the skeleton of a story, causing greater emotional investment by the reader.

Now, I cannot write about Claire until we’ve dealt with Jamie! I am betting not all fans are aware of the origins of Jamie’s name, so let’s pause for a brief review of this interesting and diverting tale!

Starz, episode 209, Je Suis Prest

Waaaaay back when Outlander book was a mere twinkle in Diana’s eye, she was mulling over a setting for her intended historical novel. Now, Diana rarely watches TV, but on this day, she was doing her nails, so a wee bit of boob tube time was just the ticket (those splendid nails, again <G>)!

She just happened to tune into a PBS rerun of Doctor Who (who else). This rather old episode featured a “companion” of the Doctor’s – a young Scottish fellow named Jamie MacCrimmon, whom the good Doctor picked up in 1745, same year as the Jacobite rising!

In her The Outlandish Companion (Vol. 1), Diana shares her TV epiphany:

This character wore a kilt, which I thought rather fetching, and demonstrated – in this particular episode – a form of pigheaded male gallantry that I’ve always found endearing; the strong urge on the part of a man to protect a woman even though he may realize that she’s plainly capable of looking after herself.

Momentarily, harken back to Starz episode 115, Wentworth Prison (2015). Claire pays a visit to prison warden, Sir Fletcher Gordon, claiming she is Jamie’s distant relation and requesting a face-to-face with the prisoner; her duty as a good Christian woman! Fletcher denies her request (too dangerous), but relinquishes a small wooden box sheltering all of Jamie’s worldly goods, and they are darned few. Heart wrenching! ?

Ever insightful, Claire offers the following piercing description of the warden (Outlander book). Leave it to Claire to compare the fellow to food (snort!):

Sir Fletcher Gordon was a short and portly man, whose striped silk waistcoat fitted him like a second skin. Slope-shouldered and paunch-bellied, he looked rather like a large ham….

It just so happens, actor Frazer Hines who plays Sir Fletcher, is the same lad who played Jamie MacCrimmon in the original Doctor Who episode. Great casting coup!

Starz, episode 115, Wentworth Prison

Diana continues her Outlandish musings about creating Jamie and Outlander book:

I was sitting in church the next day, thinking idly about this particular show (no, oddly enough, I don’t remember what the sermon was about that day), when I said suddenly to myself, Well, heck. You want to write a book, you need a historical period, and it doesn’t matter where or when. The important thing is just to start, somewhere. Okay. Fine. Scotland, eighteenth century.

After Mass, she pulled a scrap of paper from under the front seat of her car, and began writing. And, voila, Jamie stopped being a twinkle in her eye and stepped onto the pages of time. Lucky us!

Well, it wasn’t quite that simple. Consider reading Diana’s full account in The Outlandish Companion, Vol. 1, for further fascinating insights into the origins of Jamie, Claire, and her first and very splendid, novel…well, actually, her first four big novels!

Starz, episode 208, The Fox’s Lair 

Back at SDCC, 2017…. During our drink time, I commented to Diana that many fans know the origin of Jamie’s name but how did she choose the name, Claire, for her heroic heroine? I was certain she had faced this query many times, but, turns out she has rarely been asked this question. So, here is her answer!

Years ago, Diana read The House of the Spiritsa debut novel (1982) by Isabel Allende. This story details lives of the Trueba family, spanning four generations and tracing the social and political upheavals of Chile during the post-colonial era. The youngest daughter, Clara de Valle, has paranormal powers: she is clairvoyant and telekinetic and rarely attends to domestic duties. Ah, hints of a prototype! Wink, wink!

So, considering a name for her WWII combat nurse, she reflected on Allende’s heroine, Clara. Now, one translation of the name, Clara, is the equivalent of English for “clear.” And, the Latin word, clarus, the English equivalent of Claire, also means “bright” or “clear.” Such adjectives were a perfect fit for the woman who is front and center in all Outlander books, so Diana chose Clear Claire!

Let us be clear about this! From a very early age, Claire is very clear about who she is and what she wants. Hearken the following interaction between Claire, age 5, and her Uncle Lambert!

My father’s only brother, and my only living relative at the time, he had been landed with me, aged five, when my parents were killed in a car crash. Poised for a trip to the Middle East at the time, he had paused in his preparations long enough to make the funeral arrangements, dispose of my parents’ estates, and enroll me in a proper girls’ boarding school. Which I had flatly refused to attend. Faced with the necessity of prying my chubby fingers off the car’s door handle and dragging me by the heels up the steps of the school, Uncle Lamb, who hated personal conflict of any kind, had sighed in exasperation, then finally shrugged and tossed his better judgment out the window along with my newly purchased round straw boater. …He had glanced down at me, fixing me with a fierce glare….

I had nodded, content. And had gone with him to the Middle East, to South America, to dozens of study sites throughout the world. Had learned to read and write from the drafts of journal articles, to dig latrines and boil water, and to do a number of other things not suitable for a young lady of gentle birth—

Pssst….the small domestic service of lighting a smoke for her uncle is conjured up for the TV version. Claire doesn’t do this in the books.

Starz, episode 101, Sassenach

Another great example of Claire’s clarity: at the liar’s spring, she gives it to Dougal point blank. She bloody well knows who she is (Outlander book)!

Are ye a spy for the English or the French?” he asked, with another bewildering change of subject. At least he was being direct, for a change. “Certainly not,” I said crossly. “I’m plain Claire Beauchamp, and nothing more.

Starz episode 106, The Garrison Commander

Is Claire clairvoyant? With that name, she could be. After all, she is known as a white lady and she does posses some very interesting powers that grow over time. She also mixes it up with a real seer while visiting Jamie’s crass grandsire (Dragonfly in Amber book):

“You’ll be my lady Broch Tuarach?” she said, though there was no more than a hint of question in her soft Highland voice. “I am. And you’re … Maisri?” A small smile lit her face. ..A seer, hm? I thought she looked the part.

“Aye, I have the Sight,” she said, the smile widening a bit on her lopsided mouth. “Do mind-reading, too, do you?” I asked. She laughed, the sound vanishing on the wind that moaned through the ruined walls. “No, lady. But I do read faces, and …” “And mine’s an open book. I know,” I said, resigned. … “They do say as you’re a white lady,”…

Not to further belabor the point, but we can count on Claire to live up to her name.

Starz, episode 208, The Fox’s Lair

That’s it! That’s how Claire got her name. I like it – both name and story!

So be very clear, “clear” means understandable, comprehensible, intelligible, plain, uncomplicated, explicit, lucid, coherent, simple, straightforward, unambiguous. I wouldn’t dub Claire as plain or uncomplicated and sometimes she is a bit ambiguous, but the rest of the synonyms fit our heroine to a T!

Diana and OA in 2015

Therefore, would a rose by any other name smell just as sweet? Probably.  But, I for one, cannot imagine any other name for Jamie’s beloved soulmate. Thank you, Diana!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Fun Fact: Metacarpals

image of a woman's hands

Anatomy def: Metacarpals are one of 5 bones of the hand, situated between wrist and digits. Comparable bones of the foot are metatarsals.

Outlander def: Hand bones on which BJ plays snap, crackle, and pop! Or, was it knick knack paddy-whack, break the puir lad’s bones? Gah!

Learn the five metacarpals in Anatomy Lesson #22, Jamie’s Hand – Symbol of Sacrifice. Metacarpals are numbered 1-5 beginning with the thumb side. Together, five metacarpals form the bony skeleton in the palm of hand!

Read about metacarpals in Outlander book. But, of course, they are there! …Claire muses about metacarpals and Crainesmuir village while riding her pony behind Dougal!

In fact, I had amused myself on the ride to the smithy by imagining an aerial view of the village as a representation of a skeletal forearm and hand; the High Street was the radius, along which lay the shops and businesses and the residences of the more well-to-do. St. Margaret’s Lane was the ulna, a narrower street running parallel with the High, tenanted by smithy, tannery, and the less genteel artisans and businesses. The village square (which, like all village squares I had ever seen, was not square at all, but roughly oblong) formed the carpals and metacarpals of the hand, while the several lanes of cottages made up the phalangeal joints of the fingers.

See Claire massage the healing metacarpals of Jamie’s left hand during opening credits of S.2!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist


SDCC – My Convo with Diana!

Saturday was a busy day for Diana Gabaldon at SDCC! A little past 2:00 pm a roar went up from the crowd as bagpipes echoed through the convention hall. Diana, Ron, Maril, Cait, Sam, Sophie, Tobias, and Richard strode through the room, smiling, waving, and generally being gracious. Sadly, my video shows all the Outlander celebs except Diana! Being so petite, she was engulfed by several massive body guards! Nobody messes with Big Al, et al! Where were they going? Headed to an autograph session for 100 lucky fans!

Every fan, and there were thousands, passing through Starz booth #4029 drew a card for either swag (tees, totes, hip flask) or the autograph session. Many went through the booth multiple times trying for an autograph card. However, with only 100 tickets given throughout the entire SDCC, chances of drawing one were slim pickings.

Diana signed her name for all those lucky fans who drew an autograph ticket. Her extrinsic and intrinsic hand muscles must be mighty strong by now (Ha ha: Anatomy Lessons #22 and #23)! Cheerful, friendly, and patient throughout, she is the consummate professional. Go, Diana!

Inside the booth, you can glimpse her at the far end, seated next to Ron. She was the first signer greeted by fans as they entered the booth. Could it get any better? Well, I am sure passing down that table and greeting all the other celebs in the line was pretty awesome, too!

About 3:30 pm, the signing was over and the entire ensemble retreated from the hall, led by pipes and surrounded by body guards. I scurried toward the exit to get a good keek as they left. Although the rest of the party keeps pressing along, you can see Diana pause near the end to greet fans. Is it any wonder she is so beloved?

Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear! About 4:05 pm, Diana messaged me that she was free, could I meet? Hah! What do you think?

I ordered a Lyft via my app and the car was waiting for me as I exited the convention hall!

I waited in the lobby of Diana’s hotel and in a few short minutes, there she was, looking fresh as a summer’s breeze despite having been through a frenetic, noisy, demanding signing session. We found a quiet table for two, ordered drinks, and some bites and began what turned out to be a three hour convo! I asked if we could talk about whatever popped up and she was agreeable to free-form!

What did we discuss? Ah, well, topics were far-ranging and not in any particular order:

  • buttocks (snort)
  • episode 3.1
  • families
  • grandchildren
  • genetics
  • children
  • Sam Sykes
  • religion
  • meditation
  • science
  • writing styles
  • blueberries
  • strong women
  • typhoid
  • diarrhea (understand, we are both trained scientists!!!)
  • and fingernails ?

In the interest of truthiness, we talked buttocks when we met for drinks in 2016. Turns out, buttocks are her fav body part to write about! Readers ken these anatomical parts are honored in many book passages. Thought you might find this an interesting factoid. Pretty cheeky! <G>

She shared a splendid photo of her first grandchild! A beautiful “little” guy with gobs of dark hair, he was at slumber in a cute onesie. Little? Not really.  At birth, the lad was 22” tall, and over 9 lbs.! Large babes appear to run in the family. He has a splendid full name, his first name given in honor of a beloved uncle.  Psst: Do you agree with the entire world – Diana really doesn’t look old enough to be a grand mum?!

We talked about her only son, Sam Sykes, who also had an autograph session at SDCC! Sam (named long before she ever met the splendid Mr. H.) has written a series, “Brave Chef Brianna” which Amazon describes as: “To prove herself as a great chef, a young woman sets up a restaurant as the sole human in a city full of monsters… Her menu is full of weird delicacies, her kitchen is run by a half-bird harpy, and her dining room is filled with skeleton businessmen.” Love it! Seems he inherited the imaginative writing gene from his clever mum. Although none of her children have read her books, she says Sam uses phrasing and breaks in words that echo her own writing style.  She is justifiably delighted with his success as an author!

At 6’5” he also towers over her diminutive 5’3” frame! His height, a genetic gift from da. Love the Goofy shirt, Diana!

photo from

We talked a bit about strong women and agreed that yelling and throwing stuff “does-not-a-strong-woman make.” We didn’t stop to enumerate strong-woman traits, but book readers ken Claire is a pretty decent example of what it takes to be one!

Season 3, episode 1! Yes, we discussed it freely because I saw it. We both agreed it was wonderful and I don’t think anyone will be disappointed come early September. As you likely ken, it was unexpectedly shown at the SDCC Outlander Panel event.

Please don’t be unhappy with those who got to see the episode. Just so you know, this is what it took to get inside Ballroom #20 where the Outlander Panel took place: I arose at 3:00 am, grabbed 1/2 cup of coffee made with a Trader Joe’s coffee stick, water, banana, peach and some trail mix and hopped a shuttle to Petco Park. From there, a quick hike to the “everything-but-Hall-H line.” By then, at least 200 people preceded me. Three hours later, we were ushered inside the conference center to wait another 3 hours. Just before 10 am, we snaked our way (actually galloped) through many stanchioned lanes until we finally entered the ballroom.

Outlander fans sat through 7 panels, including The Brave New Warriors, featuring Richard Rankin – he was delightful, charming, and so very funny! Some panels, like BNW, were very entertaining; others, not so much. ?

Why did we wait so long? One cannot leave the ballroom and return to your seat without a hall pass. If you leave without a timed pass, it is back to the end of the outside line for you! So, once folks got in, they stayed in the ballroom until they saw the panel(s) that interested them. As people vacated their seats, after seening their panel, Outlander fans scurried forward to grab a closer seat.  I also did not leave to find food until 6:30 pm after the episode, for the same aforementioned reason. I am sure folks around me heard a lot of borborygmi (Anatomy Lesson #47) from my hungry tummy!

At 5:00 pm sharp, Jenna Dewan entered and welcomed Ron, Maril, Sophie, Rick, Diana, Sam, Tobias, and Cait, all of whom joined the stage with broad smiles. Next came a half hour of questions and a fun “truth or dance” (everyone danced except Tobias, who told the truth). Cait did a soft shoe. Sophie and Jenna did an interpretive dance. Rick and Jenna waltzed. Sam grabbed Jenna for a rousing Scottish dance that covered the entire the stage.  Jenna held on tight! Better watch out, Channing!

Unexpectedly, Graham popped in and dolled out kisses to the lasses. He was at SDCC for The Preacher – so he danced too! Dougal can swing it! Who knew?

Well, actually a lot of fans have seen Graham toss a kilt!

The panel concluded with Jenna inviting us to watch S.3 trailer once more. But, Ron spoke up and said he didn’t want to watch the trailer again, he wanted to see episode 3.1! As you might imagine, the fans erupted in roars of delight,  claps, and shouts, followed by absolute silence as the trailer was shown followed by the episode.

I found episode 3.1 immensely satisfying!!! I happily report that despite some  visual shortcuts, the episode was faithful to the spirit of Voyager. Yay!

Oh, and warnings appeared everywhere! Do not video any film footage shown at any of the panels. If an attendee is caught, out you go!!!!!  Being a good girl, I didn’t try. Bad news: I have zip video of the episode. Good news: only 43 days until Sept. 10th!

Ok, returning to our convo: Diana explained that she, Ron, and Maril quietly joined the crowd as episode 3.1 began and were gratified, especially when folks laugh at the humor (directly from Voyager). Many fans teared through the entire episode. It was dramatic, poignant, tender, and jarring and I wish you all were there!

Diarrhea! Yep, we discussed it because it is a horrific symptom of typhoid fever and we were talking science. Also known simply as typhoid, it is spread by poor sanitation and killed 150,000 souls in 2015, so it is still around! Book readers will understand why we broached this topic. If you haven’t, it is time to read Voyager!

We talked about Diana’s writing style. She reminded me that she does not write a novel in a linear fashion. Instead, she writes vignettes or scenes as her imagination generates them. In the end, she assembles them into a book, something like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle!

She also writes what I call “teasers,” hints that foreshadow a story line to be resurrected later. She may write an entire scene and then split it in the same or later book. She sometimes writes a teaser in a book that will tie to a book she has yet to write (she thinks ahead). Or, she may write a scene and then decide a teaser needs to appear earlier in that saga. She clearly trusts her creative process as do her fans!

Diana’s speaks with expressive hands. They are often in motion, especially as she earnestly dissects (<G>) a concept. Another thing, indoors, her eyes may appear brown, but in sunlight, her eyes are definitely whisky-colored! At least they appear that way to my peepers (Anatomy Lessons #30 – #33)!

Fingernails! Diana’s nails are ever-splendid, this time, sporting a lovely shade of pale blue. I asked if she had a gel finish because the surface was perfect! Nope, regular nail polish applied at a home-town salon. And, she has hard nails, a genetic gift from poppa Gabaldon.

Her fav nail shade is pale green which I believe she wore to the 2016 Golden Globes. From time to time, she also wears a bright magenta (my personal favorite!). But, no matter the shade, her nails always looks fabulous! Mine, not so much, but in my defense, I did pick 300 lbs. of blueberries before flying to SDCC!

photo from

We talked about many other interesting things which are omitted either because they are too personal or because they make this post waaaay too long.

Those three hours flew! We barely touched on the many questions I have – some mundane and some provoking.  We then said good night with a selfie as she had another obligation.

Thus ended my delightful three-hour convo with Herself. I hope you enjoyed it!

The Convo

Herself and I,

We had a chat at SDCC

Fun and fab, I was so glad

She spent some time with me!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist