Outlander BTS Discussion – Episode 711 “A Hundredweight of Stones”

Greetings, Outlander fans!

Good to see you here again.

Our next Outlander BTS discussions is here!  Join Courtney, Cathy, Antoinette, and me for lively banter! 🗣 😊


The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on:




Outlander BTS Discussion – Episode 710 “Brotherly Love”

Hallo to the House! 😁

Hoping all you Outlander fans will join our Outlander BTS discussion of Episode 710, “Brotherly Love.” 🥰

This is the link. Grab a cuppa or a glass of wine and join us, please! 🍷


The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on: