Fun Fact: Iris


Starz, Outlander episode 307, Creme de Menthe

Anatomy Def:  Flat, colored, ring-shaped layer behind the cornea of the eye, with an adjustable circular opening (pupil) in the center. In Greek mythology Iris was goddess of rainbows, an apt metaphor for the many colors of the human iris.

Outlander def: “Claire!”… His goddess, as far as Jamie’s bonny blue irises are concerned. His orbs fix on a face – not seen in 20 years! And, Claire’s irises fix on her soul mate:

Sing me a song of gal who’s not gone,

Say, could that lass be Claire?

Some were dead wrong, as she loves her man strong,

Challenge her will if you dare!

Jamie’s her man,

She belongs to his clan,

She’s part of his blood and bone!

Her eyes are for him; she’ll risk life and limb,

‘Till their life on earth shall be done!

Learn about irises in Anatomy Lesson #31, An Aye for an Eye. Irises are shaped a bit like those old 45 records: thin and flat with a hole in the center. The hole in the center of an iris is the pupil. Pupil diameter increases when the dilator pupillae muscle contracts; its diameter decreases when the constrictor pupillae muscle contracts.

Read about Jamie’s eyes in Voyager book: 

“You’re real,” he whispered. I had thought him pale already. Now all vestiges of color drained from his face. His eyes rolled up and he slumped to the floor in a shower of papers and oddments that had been sitting on the press—he fell rather gracefully for such a large man, I thought abstractedly.

See Jamie’s blue irises in Starz, Outlander episode 307, Creme de Menthe. He canna believe his irises! She’s baaack!!!!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo Credit: Sony/Starz

FF: Levator Palpebrae Superioris

levator palpebra superioris <ləˈvādər> <pāl’pə-brə>

n. sing. palpebra; n. pl. pal·pe·brae (-brē′)

Latin levare meaning “lift” – palpebra meaning “eyelid” – superioris meaning “upper”

first use mid-1700s

Anatomy def: Levator palpebrae superioris are muscles lifting the superior (upper) eyelids. Why palpebrae? There are two such muscles – one for each eye; contracting together, they open the eyelids.

Outlander def: Jamie’s lid lifters raise in dismay, reminding him that he is alive, when he prefers death!

Learn about levator palpebrae superioris in Anatomy Lesson #29, The Eyes Have It!  This lesson teaches that only upper eyelids are lifted by muscles; lower eyelids glide open by the pull of gravity.

Read about Jamie eyes post-Culloden in Outlander book. Herself informs us that the Laird’s eyes were crusted shut with blood so they resisted opening. Levator palpebrae superioris muscles did the heavy lifting so he could gaze upon the encroaching aftermath. He’s alive but wishes he wasna!

The hand struck something hard, and the fingers tangled in wet, snarled hair. He sat up abruptly, and with some effort, cracked the layer of dried blood that had sealed his eyelids shut. Memory flooded back, and he groaned aloud. He had been mistaken. This was hell. But James Fraser was unfortunately not dead, after all.

See Jamie lift his upper eyelids as he awakens to the horrific devastation of Culloden Battlefield and the remembered loss of Claire! Both levators contract to reveal those bonny blues! Gif courtesy of Starz S.3 trailer. TY Starz!!!

Fun Fact: cilia


Anatomy def: Eyelashes or short hair-like structures of some cells.

Outlander def: Awesome eye fringes, telegraphing desire from Jamie to Claire, and she to he!

Learn about eyelashes in Anatomy Lesson #29, “The Eyes Have It!” or “The Eyes- Part One.”

Read about Jamie’s unusual eyelashes in Diana Gabaldon’s book, Dragonfly in Amber

I undressed slowly, standing by the bed, looking down at him. He had turned onto his side and curled himself up against the cold. His lashes lay long and curving against his cheek; they were a deep auburn, nearly black at the tips, but a pale blond near the roots. It gave him an oddly innocent air, despite the long, straight nose and the firm lines of mouth and chin.

Watch Claire and Jamie flutter long lush lashes in Starz episode 204, La Dame Blanche!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist