Fun Fact: Philtrum

Anatomy def: Vertical groove extending from tubercle of upper lip to nasal septum.

Outlander def: Jamie’s splendid, Claire-kissed love charm.

Learn about the philtrum in Anatomy Lesson #14, Anatomy of a Kiss!

The human philtrum is a shallow groove extending from upper lip to nose. The groove is flanked on each side by a philtral pillar, a vertical  ridge of skin arising from each peak of our upper lip. Depth and width of the philtrum varies considerably among humans.

Wooie! Jamie’s philtrum is especially handsome because his upper lip forms a beautiful Cupid’s bow. The unpaired lip tubercle lies at the center of the bow with twin peaks of his upper lip on either side.  A philtral pillar arises from each lip peak and ascends toward the nasal septum.   Sharp lip peaks typically produce marked philtral pillars. The more defined the philtral pillars, the deeper the philtrum. Got it? Yay!

Although the philtrum is vestigial in humans, in animals such as dogs, it is a deep channel designed to direct odorants from mouth to smell receptors of the nose.  

An interesting tradition about the human philtrum is expressed in the 1948 film, Key Largo. Frank (Hah! Frank is everywhere!) McCloud (Humphrey Bogart) tells a child, that before birth, the soul knows all the secrets of heaven, but at birth an angel presses a fingertip just above one’s lip, which seals it to silence. Ta da. The resulting depression is the philtrum!

Kudos to the casting folk who chose Bree’s actor very well as in the books, the lass looks like her da’.  And, a facial feature both actors share in common is the appearance of the philtrum!

Read about the philtrum??? Alas, Diana does not specifically write about the philtrum in her books, but she does write about the lips.  Consider this provocative quote from Outlander book:

“He leaned down and gently fitted his mouth over mine. I had kissed my share of men…Jamie, though, was something different. His extreme gentleness was in no way tentative; rather it was a promise of power known and held in leash; a challenge and a provocation the more remarkable for its lack of demand. I am yours, it said. And if you will have me, then…I would, and my mouth opened beneath his…”

See Jamie and Bree’s philtra (pl.) in Starz ep 410, The Deep Heart’s Core! Yep, these two share philtral genes! As LJG would say, “Some sires stamp their get!”


A deeply grateful, Outlander Anatomist

Photo Credits: Starz



Happy Birthday Wishes to Sam & Jamie!

sam bday

Happy Birthday to actor, Sam Heughan, born April 30, 1980, an auspicious day indeed! April 30th is the eve of the Gaelic festival Beltane. Thank you for your amazing skills in bringing  Jamie Fraser to life before our very eyes!

Happy Birthday to our highland hero, James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, born May 1, 1721: another auspicious day indeed! May 1st is Beltane, a fire festival day and the beginning of summer in that tradition. Jamie, thank you for being a man that any woman would be honored to love!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

JAMMF bday
















Outlander Anatomy – Education & Privacy

Several Twitter friends and I enjoyed a lively discussion this morning about privacy. This is a great moment to reiterate my stance about teaching anatomy using characters from the Outlander books and Starz series. I canna resist a teaching moment, ye ken?

This blog walks a fine line. Actors have a right to their private lives and bodies. Thus, I follow the convention of using the Outlander character’s names and images from the Starz series giving the cast at least one degree of separation and a wee bit of respect as I dissect the character’s bodies with words.

That being said, I did veer from convention yesterday in Anatomy Lesson #16 by using a photo of actor Graham McTavish (sorry Mr. McTavish – no not Jamie!) as a verra fine understudy for Dougal. Big D is dashing but also verra modest. And, in Anatomy Lesson #1, I did use another actor’s name. But, that post spurred my current convention. Call it blogger’s development.


After teaching anatomy to thousands of students over nearly four decades, I harbor the deepest respect for the human body in all its combinations and permutations. So, last fall after watching the first seven Starz episodes I was inspired to launch Outlander Anatomy.

Like you, I honor Diana Gabaldon for the fabulous Outlander series of books and her splendid skill of imbuing life into characters, history, conditions and medical exigencies. I’m further moved by the superb casting, acting, writing, costuming, staging, filming, editing and producing that characterizes the Starz Outlander series.

This blog explores and blends my passion for human anatomy and Outlander, a genuine cross-pollination of compelling subjects! Thank you for your enthusiastic support of the lessons and for those who are new to class…a very heartfelt welcome!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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