Anatomy Lesson Outlander Trauma-Drama, Part 2

Hey, all.

Hope you had a grand couple of weeks awaiting part two of Outlander Trauma-Drama… Here it is. Yay! 🤗

Our last Anatomy Lesson, Outlander Trauma-Drama, Part 1, showed the system pathologists use to classify trauma. In that lesson, we covered different types of mechanical trauma including contusion, abrasion, laceration, incision, avulsion, projectile injury, and puncture wounds.

Remember? Yasss! 😊

    • Mechanical trauma
      • Contusion
      • Abrasion
      • Laceration
      • Incision
      • Avulsion
      • Projectile injuries
      • Puncture wounds
    • Thermal Injury
    • Radiation Injury
    • Personal Exposure (tobacco and alcohol)
    • Therapeutic Drugs
    • Air Pollution
    • Industrial Exposures
    • Agricultural Hazards
    • Natural Toxins
    • Oxygen Deprivation
    • Infectious Agents
    • Immunological Diseases
    • Genetic Derangements
    • Nutritional Diseases

Today’s lesson continues with the trauma-drama theme ‘cos there are still loads of Outlander owies to uncover and discover!

Again, examples from Diana’s big books and the Starz Outlander series will serve as anatomical models for the injuries. 👍🏻

Today’s lesson will cover thermal injury and alcohol abuse. So, let’s get started!

There are six types of Thermal Injury:

    • Thermal burns
    • Hyperthermia
    • Chilblains
    • Hypothermia
    • Frostbite
    • Electrical injury

Here we go!

Thermal Burns: Thermal burns are caused by harmful exposure to heat, electricity, chemicals, or radiation.

Thermal burns are usually classified as first, second, or third degree burns. Occasionally, we hear of fourth degree burns, but do you ken there are also fifth and sixth degrees? Indeed there are! 🤓

Some students may have read Anatomy Lesson #5 and Anatomy Lesson #6 wherein we learned that skin is composed of epidermis (surface layer of skin cells) and dermis (underlying connective tissue). Thus, another useful way of grading thermal burns is to describe their relative depths.

Partial-thickness Burn: This type damages the epidermis or both the epidermis and outer dermis; it includes first and second degree burns. Such burns are red and may blister and are very painful. Most partial-thickness burns heal without scarring because hair follicle cells regenerate to cover the damaged surface. Even here, if a partial-thickness burn is too large, a skin graft may be required.

Full-thickness Burns: Full-thickness burns extend through both epidermis and  dermis and into underlying tissues. Such wounds are typically aesthetic (painless) because nerve endings are destroyed, although the rim of such a burn is usually painful. Full-thickness burns include third, fourth, fifth and sixth degree burns which may pass into muscle and bone. Fifth and Sixth degree burns are typically fatal.

We can imagine fifth and sixth degree burns suffered by poor Father Alexandre and Johiehon, his love interest in Outlander episode 412, Man of Worth.

Diana’s fourth big book, Drums of Autumn details the sad and horrific conflagration as the lovers burned to ash.

When the Indians had nearly finished with the priest, they untied him from the stake and fastened his hands instead to a long pole, held above his head, from which to suspend him in the flames….

… It was then that he had seen the Indian girl standing on Claire’s other side, with a cradleboard in her arms. … “She didna look to left or right, but walked straight into the fire.” … The flames had embraced the girl in moments. 

… “Her clothes caught, and then her hair. By the time she reached him, she was burning like a torch.” Still, he had seen the dark silhouette of her arms, raised to embrace the empty body of the priest. Within moments, it was no longer possible to distinguish man or woman; there was only the one figure, black amid the towering flames.

…The smell of burnt things hung in the air. We passed close by the pit and I couldn’t help seeing from the corner of my eye the heap of charred fragments, shattered ends frosted white with ash.

Hyperthermia: Hyperthermia  occurs if body temperature rises significantly above normal (>104 °F / 40 °C ). Many challenges, including infections, cause excessive body temperature.

Typhoid fever,  a.k.a. enteric fever, is caused by food and water contaminated with salmonella bacteria. Symptoms include:

    • High fever
    • Headache
    • Stomach pain
    • Constipation or diarrhea

A great example of hyperthermia appears in Outlander episode 310, Heaven and Earth. You remember Claire’s splendid  wee aide, Elias, who falls ill with typhoid? Claire is comforts him as he bravely succumbs to fever and dehydration. 😭

Cold temperatures 🥶 also cause thermal injury because the human body is poorly equipped to regulate and prevent heat loss; this is especially true of children and the elderly. Normally, fat deposits, heart, blood vessels, brain, skin, and muscles help combat cold. These organs provide insulation, induce shivering, re-direct blood flow from skin to vital organs, and reduce energy consumption.

However, exposure to cold temperatures over long periods of time overcomes our coping mechanisms and produces a range of thermal cold injuries such as chilblains, hypothermia, and frostbite.

Chilblains: Chilblains is a 16th century term for skin trauma due to repeated expose to cold, but not freezing, air. Digits are most commonly affected. The skin becomes red, swollen ,and itchy (next image), but usually heals without permanent damage.

Outlander TV episodes do not feature chilblains. But have no fear, our amazingly witty and resourceful Diana writes about it in her second book, Dragonfly in Amberwherein Claire treats imprisoned men with chilblains.

She’s a wonder! Which “she” do I mean? Take your pick – either woman works!

I talked my way into the cells of the prison, and spent some time in treating the prisoners’ ailments, ranging from scurvy and the more generalized malnutrition common in winter, to chafing sores, chilblains, arthritis, and a variety of respiratory ailments.

Ouch, that looks a wee bit uncomfortable!

Hypothermia: Hypothermia occurs when the body’s core temperature drops below 95°F / 35°C as a result of extended cold exposure. Symptoms include low core temperature, vigorous shivering, confusion, sleepiness, slurred speech, shallow breathing, weak pulse, low blood pressure, changes in behavior, and slowed reactions.

Put simply, the victim of hypothermia experiences  the “umbles” meaning grumbles, mumbles, stumbles and fumbles because cold affects muscle and nerve response.

If the core temperature drops to 90º F / 32.2º C, then bradycardia (slow heart rate) and atrial fibrillation (fast and irregular contraction of the heart’s two upper chambers) may ensue.

The teenager, bad-lass Laoghaire, wasn’t suffering from hypothermia when she exposed her “ladies” to Jamie  in Outlander episode 109, The Reckoning, but she was well on her way!

Take a keek at that goose flesh! 😉

Frostbite: Frostbite is cold injury in which the body’s surface is exposed to freezing temperatures; it affects mostly feet, hands, noses, cheeks, and ears. And, as Prince Harry points out in his tell-all book, “Spare,” the todger must be protected from frostbite. This makes sense since it is also an appendage. 😉

Frostbite occurs in three stages:

    • Frostnip: Frostnip is a mild form of frostbite. Continued cold exposure leads to numbness in the affected area. As the skin warms, the sufferer feels pain and tingling but no permanent skin damage.
    • Superficial Frostbite: Superficial frostbite causes slight changes in skin color. The skin may begin to feel warm — a sign of serious skin damage. Rewarming at this stage causes the skin to appear mottled. The victim may notice stinging, burning and swelling. Fluid-filled blisters may appear over the next 12 to 36 hours (next image).
    • Deep Frostbite. As frostbite progresses, it affects all layers of the skin and underlying tissues. The skin turns white or blue-gray; all sensation of cold, pain, or discomfort is lost in the affected area. Joints or muscles may stop working. Large blisters form 24 to 48 hours after rewarming. The tissue turns black and hardens as it dies. Amputation is usually warranted.

Claire teasingly relates how she and Jamie avoid getting frostbite in this steamy tidbit from Drums of Autumn.

His mouth was warm and soft, and whether he approved of what he was doing or not, he did it awfully well.

…“Ooooh,” I said, and shuddered ecstatically as his teeth sank delicately into my earlobe.

….“Oh, well, if it’s like that,” he said in resignation, and taking my hand, pressed it firmly between his thighs.

..“Gracious,” I said. “And here I thought the cold …”

…“It’ll be warm enough soon,” he assured me. “Get them off, aye?”

…It was rather awkward, given the cramped quarters, the difficulty of staying covered in order not to suffer frostbite in any exposed portions, and the fact that Jamie was able to lend only the most basic assistance, but we managed quite satisfactorily nonetheless. 😅

Electrical Injury: What is this? Electrical injury is damage to the skin or internal organs after a person comes into direct contact with a high-voltage source. An electric shock can be life-threatening.

Good advice: Get emergency help if the source of the injury is a high-voltage wire or lightning. Even those with minor injuries or no symptoms should be checked by a physician for internal injuries because these may not be evident to the non-professional.

Rare but life-threatening symptoms include severe burns, muscle pain and contractions, seizures, and unconsciousness. In some cases, heartbeat and breathing may be difficult to detect.

In the US, there are approximately 1000 deaths per year, as a result of electrical injuries. Of these, approximately 400 are high-voltage electrical injuries and lightning causes 50 to 300. There are also at least 30,000 shock incidents per year that are non-fatal.

If you think these stats are grim, consider the UK: Faulty electrical equipment and sockets cause approximately 70 deaths and 350,000 injuries in UK homes every year (RHA, 2022). Such figures show how important it is to follow electrical safety guidelines.

Outlander book and TV don’t really contain much about electrical injury. the closest I can come is Claire’s eerie encounter with Otter-Tooth’s ghost in Outlander episode 403, The False Bride. Here, she experiences the aftermath of a lightning strike.

Diana describes the scene in vivid detail. Again, from Drums of Autumn:

Sheet lightning shimmered far away, across the mountains. Then more bolts, sizzling across the sky, each succeeded by a louder roll of thunder. The hailstorm passed, and the rain resumed, pelting down as hard as ever. The valley below disappeared in cloud and mist, but the lightning lit the stark mountain ridges like bones on an X ray.

I woke all the way to the smell of burning, and sat bolt upright. The rain had stopped; it was the silence that wakened me, I thought. The smell of smoke was still strong in my nostrils…

…The ground rose in front of me to a small ridge. At the top of this stood a large balsam poplar tree, the source of the smoke. The tree had been struck by lightning; half of it still bore green leaves, the canopy bushy against the pale sky. The other half was blackened and charred all down one side of the massive trunk. Wisps of white smoke rose from it like ghosts escaping an enchanter’s bondage, and red lines of fire showed fleetingly, glowing beneath the blackened shell.

Echoes of the shock of impact wavered through my flesh, and I tried frantically to fit myself back into my body. Then I drew breath, a painful gasp, and found myself shaking, the shock turning to the first intimations of damage. I lay still, eyes closed, concentrating on breathing, conducting an inventory. 

…The rain was still pounding down onto my face, puddling in my eye sockets and running down into my ears. My face and hands were numb. My arms moved. I could breathe a little easier now.

Drenched in cold, relentless rain, Claire spies the spooky ghost of Otter-tooth. Careful, lest you get hyperthermic, Claire!

And, there he is. Sharp as an Otter’s Tooth!

That is it for thermal injury. But….

Here’s some exciting thermal news: The US Department of Energy is developing clothes with thermal properties that adapt to the environment and to the wearer’s body. By changing the make-up or shuttling heat to and from the body, the garments can keep people comfortable whatever the external temperature (30 January 2016, New Scientist). I’m ready for one of these jackets, how about you?


Alcohol: Alcohol is a colorless, volatile, and flammable liquid that is the intoxicating element of wine, beer, and other spirits (duh!); it is also used as a fuel and is an industrial solvent! 😮

How the body handles alcohol: The stomach lining contains alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), an enzyme which metabolizes alcohol. The liver also has ADH plus other enzymes that help break down alcohol. But, bad news for the lassies: Women naturally have lower levels of GAD than men and often develop higher blood alcohol levels after drinking the same or even less alcohol. So, be wary if ye are an XX!

Claire offers a pithy analysis of alcohol in this quote from the big book, “Drums of Autumn,“wherein Jamie gets John Quincy Myers drunk in preparation for his hernia surgery.  (Psst…Non-book readers ken Claire performed this surgery on Edmond Fanning in episode 408, Wilmington.)

“Alcohol isn’t a good anesthetic at all,” I said, shaking my head. “It’s a poison. It depresses the central nervous system. Put the shock of operating on top of alcohol intoxication, and it could kill him, easily.”

And, there we have it in a nutshell!

Not surprisingly, alcohol is the most widely used and abused toxic agent in the world. (Not meaning to preach as I enjoy a wee bit now and then)

Alcohol injury ranges from binge drinking to full on alcoholism with a myriad of accompanying ailments. Most of us are well-versed on the effects of excessive alcohol intake and realize some effects are acute and others are chronic.

Acute Alcohol Intoxication: In the US, there are over 3,000,000 reported cases of acute alcohol intoxication (AAI) from drinking too much, too quickly. Symptoms include slurred speech, incoordination, mood and behavioral changes, and poor judgement. Acute alcohol intake effects breathing, heart rate, body temperature, gag reflex, and can lead to coma and death. (psst… I wager many more cases go unreported) 🫢

Risk factors include:

      • Injuries, such as motor vehicle crashes, falls, drownings, and burns.
      • Violence, including homicide, suicide, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence.
      • Alcohol poisoning, a medical emergency that results from high blood alcohol levels.
      • Risky sexual behaviors, including unprotected sex or sex with multiple partners. These behaviors can result in unintended pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.
      • Miscarriage and stillbirth or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) among pregnant women.
Alcohol intoxication is managed with rest, hydration, and abstaining from alcohol. It is worth noting that severe cases may require hospitalization, intravenous fluids, observation, and supportive care.

Oh, Jamie is in the throes of AAI at Lallybroch (episode 112, Lallybroch). He is stinking drunk as he stumbles into the bedchamber reeking of booze; Claire is not “amoozed.” 

But, he looks marvelous in his da’s splendid leather coat! 😜 

Chronic Alcohol Use: Alcohol Dependence Syndrome (ADS or alcoholism) is a condition characterized by long-term alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse that result in specific physiological and behavioral problems. ADS  includes ten or more different signs and symptoms, but from a medical standpoint, only two are required for diagnosis. Chronic use causes a host of problems, including:
    • High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems.
    • Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx, liver, colon, and rectum.
    • Weakening of the immune system, increasing the chances of illness.
    • Learning and memory problems, including dementia and poor school performance.
    • Mental health problems, including anxiety and depression.
    • Social problems, including family problems, job-related problems, and unemployment.
    • Alcohol use disorders, or alcohol dependence

In season six of Outlander, we witness Fergus falling into ADS as he struggles with the cruelty and intolerance toward his dwarf son (episode 603, Temperance).  Alcohol  is commonly used to cope with personal tragedy and trauma.

You remember Colum MacKenzie back in Outlander, seasons 1 and 2?  Yes, of course ye do! 😊 Claire diagnosed Colum as a sufferer of  Toulouse-Lautrec Syndrome, also known as pycnodysostosis. 

Colum required large quantities of rhenish wine (9% alcohol content) to quell and dispel the agony of his existence (Outlander episode 102, Castle Leoch). 

…  “I beg your pardon?” I turned, having missed Colum’s words in the growing noise, to find him offering me the decanter, a lovely bell-shaped thing of pale green crystal.

The liquid within, seen through the glass, seemed green as the sea-depths, but once poured out it proved to be a beautiful pale-rose color, with the most delicious bouquet. The taste was fully up to the promise, and I closed my eyes in bliss, letting the wine fumes tickle the back of my palate before reluctantly allowing each sip of nectar to trickle down my throat.

“Good, isn’t it?” The deep voice held a note of amusement, and I opened my eyes to find Colum smiling at me in approval. I opened my mouth to reply, and found that the smooth delicacy of the taste was deceptive; the wine was strong enough to cause a mild paralysis of the vocal cords.

“Won—wonderful,” I managed to get out. Colum nodded.

“Aye, that it is. Rhenish, ye know. …”

Clearly, Colum suffered from his genetic disability but also from ADS . Near the end, when rhenish no long offered the needed relief, he turned to Claire to assist him in end of life options (Outlander episode 210 Prestonpans).

ADS is considered a medical emergency because it can lead to coma and death. Guidelines exist about the amount of alcohol the liver can metabolize per hour and these rates should not be exceeded. Again, please get informed if this is an issue in your life.

As a final example, we see wee Flora MacDonald taking a wee nip from her personal hip flask in Outlander, episode 605, Give Me Liberty!  Now, just because she carries a personal flask, it doesn’t mean she is suffering from either acute or chronic alcohol poisoning! 😉

Finally, this is an interesting tidbit. Some people carry a gene variant encoded for alcohol dehydrogenase (ALDH2*2) that stops the enzyme working, so these folks experience flushing soon after drinking. This happens because they have a lowered ability to metabolize alcohol and includes some 8% of the world’s population. Now, a link has been found showing that this gene raises heart disease risk in those who experience alcohol flush (New Scientist, 4 Feb. 2023). The risk of heart disease is four times greater in regular drinkers with the defective gene! if you flush immediately after alcohol ingestion, you may wish to consult your physician?

OK, that is our lesson for today. But before we call it quits let’s have a –

Pop Quiz! 

Name the injury (red arrow) Jamie sports after the Battle of Alamance, in Outlander episode 507, The Ballad of Roger Mac.

What was that you said?

An abrasion?  🚫

A laceration? 🚫🚫

An avulsion? 🚫🚫🚫

What was that you said?



A contusion? Yep!

Well done, anatomy students! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Next time, Part 3!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo creds: Sony/Starz, www.en.wikipedia,


2022 Seattle Adventure – Outlandish Vancouver

Greetings, all Outlander fans! I just returned from a three-day event (January 21-23), at Doubletree by Hilton Seattle Airport Hotel. Buckle up! This is a looong post!

This was the long-awaited 2022 Seattle Adventure (OVSA) sponsored by Outlandish Vancouver,  an event that typically occurs every October in Surrey, B. C., but sadly was postponed due to COVID.

Just so you know, all attendees were required to be fully vaccinated, boosted, and show a negative COVID test within 48 hours of check-in. Fortunately, my roomies and I were good to go!

It loomed large for us three roommates arriving from Oregon, Hawai’i and Washington, respectively!  Jody KC (O’ahu) and I were first to arrive.

My new acquaintance, but a friend of Jody’s, nurse Ally, joined us the next day!

Before the event even started, guest Steven Cree shared this clever video on Instagram. And, this was just the beginning of his wry wit displayed at the event!

Friday afternoon, we headed for the registration desk. Volunteers woman-ed the tables so registration was swift and efficient.

Soon, we walked away with lanyards, badges, and tickets for photos and autographs.  

Barely got into the common room before this bad dude tried to steal my badge! Arrgh, matey!

We were reminded by Jamie and Dr. Claire to be careful of GERRRRRMMS, to wear our masks, to keep our hands clean, and to social distance where possible. But, dirty minds??? …. No problemo! 

A lovely Vendor Row was open with Outlander-themed items for sale!

NOTE: Jody, Ally, and I pooled our memories, pen and paper notes, and nimble fingers working virtual keyboards to recreate the five panel discussions that follow.  Hence, our “transcripts” are rough approximations of cast comments. Only the items in quotes are exact. Videotaping or audio recordings were strictly forboden at OVSA! 🚫

First Panel – Friday Evening

 Koko Pipkin, the brains and force behind OV, was first to take the stage.

Koko introduced all seven cast members to a rousing ovation: David Berry (DB), Lauren Lyle (LL), Cesar Domboy (CD), Duncan Lacroix (DL), Sophie Skelton (SS), Richard Rankin (RR), and Steven Cree (SC).

The cast took their seats, set up in groups of 2, 3, and 2. But, Steven moved off to the side like he was hosting, AND TOOK OVER!!  He didn’t dominate, though. Rather, he graciously asked each actor for their name.

He commented on how CD managed to look cool 😎 no matter what or where (Cesar wore shades – it was nighttime and indoors!). Yep, he is cool!


The audience was enthralled!

Steven served as fairly raunchy host so please bear that in mind before reading the following compilations of five different panels!

Steven kept the ball rolling and was nearly a one-man comedy show. He asked the cast for favorite things:                                                                                                     RR: Richard loved the 2021 documentary “The Beatles: Get Back,”  produced and directed by Peter Jackson.                                                                                                       SC: Ten-year-old Steven saw Ted Neeley in the lead role of Jesus Christ Super Star in West End London. He instantly fell in love with theater! He was fascinated by Jesus and his story. “The epic-ness. I have seen the movie over 100 times!”                                                                                                                                      DL: “A man gets lonely in the Highlands.” We had no idea what Duncan meant! 🤷🏻‍♀️

Audience questions were invited, fans lined up behind the microphone, and there were some good queries!

Q: What celebrities would you pay money to meet?                                                  DL: Graham McTavish offering to buy a round of drinks.                                               SC: Ted Neeley the star of JCSS.  “He was hung… Jesus.” 😳                                DB: “Harry Connick, Jr.”                                                                                                               LL:  Best concert ever was Justin Bieber.

Q: Fav slang word or phrase:                                                                                                                        DL: “Orango” (referring to someone being an orangutan)                                      SC: “Go take a flying fuck into a rolling donut,” “bolt yer rocket,” “tata subunit,” “your arse and parsley,” and “piss off!”

Q What kind of animal living or dead would you want as a pet?                          DL: “Rat.”                                                                                                                                           LL: “Woolly mammoth.”                                                                                                           SC: “Cross between a shark and angry chimp.” 🤪

Q: What celebrity would you like to meet in person?                                                   SS: “Taylor Swift.”                                                                                                                         LL: “Jesus.”                                                                                                                                             DL: “I saw AC-DC at 12 y. o. Big impact!” (That wasn’t the question, Duncan!)😜

Q: Does costuming help and how does it influence performances?                                                                                                       LL & SS: Corsets suck! They cause chafing, sore ribs and hips, and bruising. And, it is hard to eat wearing a corset!

Q: Will we see Laura Donnelly (Jenny) in coming seasons?                                                   LL: Laura  will be coming back! What??? The audience went wild and then, it turns out, Lauren was joking! 😬 But, the cast all agreed that Laura’s return as Jenny is unlikely.  😢                                                                                                             SC: He met a lovely attendant on his flight over and had a nice chat. Next day, met same flight attendant at Pike Street Market in Seattle! “Incredible!”

Q: Fav leisure activities during COVID?                                                                                                SS: Long walks. Laura and Sophie then bantered about long walks – more than an hour? Less than an hour? It remains a bit obscure.                                                                                                                              CD: Playstation! He considers himself to be a master chiller.                                LL: Loves working with Cesar. They were on the phone or FT daily during lockdown. (They truly do enjoy a warm and wonderful friendship, like brother and sister!)                                                                                                                                       CD: He and LL like the same food and eat off each other’s plates.                    RR: Likes Sophie’s laugh!

Q: Fav music:                                                                                                                                     LL: Loves the S6 Outlander trailer music and any funky-pop-sync music.                                                                                                                        CD: Anything that sounds like melted cheddar to his ears.   😆                         (Someone liked Jim Morrison in leather pants but I didn’t catch who. Sorry!)                                                                                                             SS: American country music                                                                                                     RR: Beatles and John Williams (Quite a range!)                                                               SC: Beatles and musical theater. Steven claimed he “feels music through his bones and out his ass, but that might have been Sam Heughan’s finger!” (I warned ya!) 😮                                                                                                                              DB: Classical to jazz, all genre.  

Saturday morning was devoted to photos with cast members. This is my favorite! 🥰

Many members of My Peak Challenge, known as Peakers, attended the conference. This is Sam Heughan’s training program. Later that day, we gathered for a group photo. All devoted to healthier living, exercise, and community!

Next Panel – Saturday afternoon:  DB, DL & SC

Another Q and A session, and believe me, there was no paucity of questions. The fans came prepared! After introducing the guys, SC said we were going to start off with Koko stripping! (Puir Koko –  she was such a good sport!)

Q: What was Murtagh thinking when Jocasta threw the glass of whisky in his face (ep 413, Man of Worth)? Please be specific!                                                                                                           DL: Murtagh got tingly all over from head to toes and there WILL be something done about it!                                                                                                                                             (Pssst…..There WAS something done about it!)

Q: Will there be a LJG spin-off?                                                                                            DB: I cannot talk about it. I cannot say. (Hmmmm….. 🤔)                                         SC: You can see it at!

Q: Any line flubs?                                                                                                                            SC: Steven was waiting for the director to call “cut” after finishing a scene with Cait (ep 112, Lallybroch), but no one yelled “cut” so the cameras kept rolling. Steven was uncomfortable so he grabbed a head of cabbage off the table, handed it to Cait, and said: “Stuffed cabbage, Claire?” His clever ad lib made it into the show.  Check it out! 

Q: David, what happened with Lieutenant Leonard (Charlie Heitt, ep 313, Eye of the Storm)? Leonard was the de facto Captain of the Porpoise but Lord John addressed him as Lieutenant Leonard.                                                                                                                   DB: In the confrontation between LJG and Captain Leonard over whose power was paramount, David accidentally called him “Lieutenant” Leonard.  This lucky slip-of-the-tongue was kept  because it came off as intentionally putting Leonard in his place. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Q: What do all of you think of the way slavery was depicted in Outlander?                                                                                                              DL: Duncan said he was uncomfortable with the way slavery was filmed and would have preferred if modern sensibilities had been added to the show. 

Q: How did you cope with Outlander?                                                                               DB: “Lots of alcohol!”                                                                                                                 SC: “All actors are insecure and want approval.”  He prefers getting compliments much more than “You are a f**king shit!” And, flying from one continent to another is not a hardship.                                                                                DB: Hard to take so much attention. We may need it but it is also difficult.                                                                                                                    SC: Graham likes being on a pedestal. (What???)

Q: What are you afraid of?                                                                                                         DL: Water and diving lessons. “I am a – what you call it? Aquaphobe? Aquaphobic? I would overcome it if it were for a role.” (fear of water is aqua-phobia).                                                                                                                                             SC: Sex scenes and horses. “Sex scenes are hard!” He told us “Outlaw King really taught me to respect horses. I’m like how is this gonna go?” He was referencing an epic scene involving horses, riders, and trees. A stunt rider fell off his horse and got dragged, and had to be air-lifted off set and replaced by another actor. Steven was scared he’d get hurt.                                                   DB: People who think you are competent in an area just because in a show you acted it! 😯

Q: Most awkward scene?                                                                                                        DL: Sex scenes with Jocasta. He thought he would be on top. <G> “Keep moving” the director said. “Hope you enjoyed it , Jo. I know you are blind, but!”  😱                                                                                                                                                DB: Sex scene with someone you had never met before (ep 411 – If Not for Hope). This was the pantry sex scene wherein the director asked them to “settle it down,” they were making too much noise! 

Q: David, will you bring back the podcast with Tim Downey?                                        DB: No. They are done.

Next Panel –  Saturday afternoon: Lauren & Cesar

The cheerful cuties came on the stage and we began another round of questions. This excellent format really engaged the audience and encouraged participation! Everyone seemed to love it! 

(Psst…the photographer looks as if he is praying at the altar of Fersali!)

Q: Which scenes were ridiculously hard to film?                                                          LL & CD: The locust scene (ep 506, Better to Marry than Burn). It was all CGI and we had to shout “locusts” and beat the air with rags when nothing was actually there!                                                                                                                               CD: An intimate moment giving birth in S6. Which wasn’t awkward at all.                                                                                                       LL: In S3, the boats were on rockers. Director would shout “wave!” They were supposed to scream and throw up hands as crew threw water on them. It felt ridiculous.

Q: What is the strangest thing you have been asked to autograph?                                                                                                             CD: “Wooden hands.”  😁                                                                                                             LL: “Pictures of cats.” ( Apparently, lots of fans have named their cats, Marsali!)

Q: What do you look for in a new city?                                                                             CD: Brunch places, good food.                                                                                               LL: Coffee – at Pikes Place Market, Starbucks on every corner, good burgers.

Q: How did you prepare for the birth scene in S6.                                                            LL: They haven’t really shown Marsali giving birth before. Maybe another baby is born and maybe it comes from me.  We just look at each other and a baby appears. Actually, Lauren did a lot of research. Came across one 18th C. corset for nursing that had little wooden doors over the nipples – “ wooden doors for wooden hands.” 😅                                                                                                         CD: In S6 there is an intimate moment where Marsali is giving birth and Fergus is there. They had an intimacy coach for the scene. (Who knew?)

Q: If you could be a superhero, who would it be?                                                        CD: Deadpool, Star-Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy.                                              LL: Katness (Hunger Games). One of the warriors from Wonder Woman. Loki.                                                                                                                                                    CD: “Poison Ivy.” (He didn’t say if he meant himself or Lauren!)

Q: Best attributes of the characters you play:                                                                CD: Fergus is likable and has a pure heart. How he handles trauma.                                                                                                                      LL: “No one liked Marsali, but I got people to like her and not Marsali-in-the-kitchen!” She has a real bite to her, able to hold her own. Fergus and Marsali choose to stay together because they love each other.                                                                                         CD: “I followed what Romann (Berrux) did to bring the freshness to Fergus and create an interesting arc from kid to a dark character.”

Q: Where do you go in the USA for snacks?                                                                  CD: Shake Shack. Chocolate!                                                                                                     LL: Mexican food in LA. – Cesar agrees. 

Q: Why do you have such great chemistry:                                                                   CD: We were hired at the same time.                                                                                 LL: “We were lucky.” Lauren received a text that she was supposed to get on a plane and be interviewed the next day.  ”I got called to audition for Marsali with two other girls. I was trapped in London due to a terrorist closure of the airport. The casting director called saying the other two girls were trapped in London and we should all get together.” Lauren didn’t get on well with one gal, but thought the other did well. She went into the audition with a “whatever” attitude, and did the wrong thing. She auditioned for 10 minutes and didn’t think she did well. She heard later that Matt said, “THAT is Marsali,” after she left the audition. Incoming call the next morning – she got the part! (We were lucky, too!)

Q; Fav place you have been?                                                                                                 CD: Scotland, Sahara Desert – special but rough. He got 4G in the desert!                                                                                                                       LL: Caribbean, lived in New Zealand.

Q: Jody’s question started off with a huge ALOHA. Cesar asked her about getting to Hawai’i – 5 ½ hours from Seattle – he was surprised how close! She offered to take him out if he came to the islands and he said he’d Instagram message her!!!  

(Jody on her collapsible stool! She used it for photos with cast members. She is a wee lass)

Jody told Cesar and Lauren that she did not like either Fergus or Marsali in the books. Fergus was a “sexist pig” and Marsali was mean and only had kid after kid and why didn’t she listen to Claire about birth control?                                                                                             LL: Lauren said she worked to have us love Marsali, and indeed she did/does a fabulous job. We LOVE her portrayal of Marsali.                                                                                                           CD: Buckle up in S6. Cesar said good things are coming up for Fergus in S6! Cannot wait!                                                                                                                                  CD: He loves how Americans pronounce his name: See-zer  or Say-Zar. He pronounces it Sa-sar.

Q: What type of student were you?                                                                                      LL: Too chatty on report cards. She had a mean biology teacher.                                                    CD: Left school at 16 – a child actor. Cesar was told he needed to concentrate in school!

Next Panel –  Saturday Afternoon: RR and SS

Q: Fav fun scene:                                                                                                                              SS: Anything with Jemmy (twins, Andrew and Matthew Adair, S5). She loves working with them. At the stone scene (Ep 511, Journeycake), he just wandered off!                                                                                                                                RR: Jemmy twins. Each time Jemmy reached for the tea kettle (Ep 508, Famous Last Words), Roger shouted, “no!”  He said “kids were a nightmare” and told us when he yelled at the child actor (Andrew or Matthew), “NO!” using his scarred Roger throat, it terrified Andrew who recoiled saying “Don’t ever do that to me again!“ 

(These tears look pretty real!)

Quote from The Fiery Cross (Chapter 75):

I caught a glimpse of firelight shining on the bones of [Roger’s] face, and then his expression changed in an instant, from wariness to horror. He lunged to his feet, mouth open.

“STOKH!” he roared.

SS: Sophie said Richard is only interested in two things: his camera and video games.                                                                                                                                  RR: As if on cue, Richard whipped out a couple of his prized cameras from a bag. A discussion ensued with some audience members about his cameras, lenses, etc. He brought five cameras on this trip. He carefully handed one for Sophie to hold while demonstrating and explaining the other camera; all mechanical. She did a fab job as Vanna!  He watched her like a hawk and even let her take a picture of us with his camera! He said her photo was “good.” (damning with faint praise!)                                                                                                                          SS: Sophie quickly said, “Hold it like a baby” and “Support the head!”as Richard was lecturing her on how to hold the camera and to be careful. (Like a daddy with his kid, aye?) 

Q: Fav Outlander scene:                                                                                                                RR: “I will always sing for you” from ep 508 “Famous Last Words:”

This is the quote from “The Fiery Cross:”

Roger: “Everybody wants the old Roger back. I’ll never be that man again. I studied history. I taught it. Now I’m livin’ it. When I saw that tarot card, I thought, ‘this is who I am now. A dying man.’ Maybe this was my fate. My own ancestor tried to kill me. Maybe I wasn’t meant to exist.”
Brianna: “That isn’t true.”
Roger: “Perhaps not. But I have changed. Remember when you asked me about my last words?”
Brianna: “Yeah.”
Roger: “I thought I knew what they’d be, but what mattered was the last face I saw. That face was yours.”
Brianna: “Oh, Roger.”
Roger: “I’ll always sing for you. No matter what, no matter where. Whether you’re there to hear or even if my voice isn’t able, I will always sing for you.”

Q: To SS, how did you prepare for the rape scene?                                                       SS: Sophie watched a lot of You Tube and court cases of rape. She wanted to portray her response as tonic immobility. The victim cannot fight because her body shuts down in response to the trauma. It occurs in women who feel the trauma strongly. 

Q: What other character would you like to play in the TV show?                        SS: Jamie                                                                                                                                          RR: Bonnet, Jamie and Roger (News flash – Richard, you already play Roger!)                                                                                                             SS: Rollo                                                                                                                                            RR: At which point, Richard states he f**king hates Adso. We both hate cats. Cats are dicks! 🤷🏻‍♀️

Q: What role would you like to play in another film/show?                                                                                    RR: Sophie is a “Friends” fan. She would be Monica.                                                  SS: Richard would like to play Gunther.

Q: Most awkward scene?                                                                                                           RR: Filming the last sex scene of S5, Roger lost his privacy pouch.                                                                                                                        SS: Similar to a “nip-slip.” The camera man got right in between them during the filming.  Very intrusive!                                                                                                                                     RR: Richard said to the crew, “Sorry you had to see that.”

Q: How did you prep for the birth scene (ep 413, Man of Worth)?                                                                           SS: She watched many videos of births. Most shows have the woman screaming but she heard low, animalistic sounds during childbirth videos. She was very interested in the birthing chair. One crew member told her she was sitting in it wrong – she needed to squat on it and face the back. Sophie said “Thank you for mansplaining to me how to give birth!” Major applause from the audience!

Q: We see your big beautiful dog on SM:                                                                          RR: “I am right here!” 😁                                                                                                              SS: His name is Luca. He is 10 months old and 6’3” tall. Roger’s dog is Gonzo. During lockdown, Sophie took Luca and some friends to Richard’s house. She tried to get Luca to poop many times before the visit but no luck. Once inside, Luca pooped on Richard’s beautiful new multicolored, high-end carpet. The carpet has designs, but Luca went right on a white area! Her friend tried to clean it up but it just got worse. The cleanser contained bleach and soon it was apparent the carpet was Chlorox-ed. Sophie said: “Bye, we need to go!” Richard is silent. 🤐

Next Panel –  Saturday Afternoon: RR, SC, DB, DL

These lads were in fine fettle! First question?

Q: Meet our mascot known as “Murtagh’s dildo.” (It is an ear of corn in an “upright” posture) …Will we get to hear Roger sing the corn grinding song in S6? 

SC: WTF? 😂

Q: Which other Outlander character would you like to play?                                 SC: BJR so he can do episodes 115 and 116 with Sam!                                                              DL: “Mark me!” Yep, he wants to play the Bonny Prince!                                         DB: “Ian.”                                                                                                                                              RR: DB would play a great Brianna!                                                                                       SC: People are complaining that Claire and Jamie aren’t shagging enough! (Steven was basically a stream of consciousness 😜)

Q: Not really a question but a comment praising SC for his work on men’s mental health. 👍🏻

Q: What nice thing happened on set?                                                                                DL: “No one has ever said anything nice to me.” 🥺                                                  DB: Carol Ann (Crawford), the dialect coach, helped David learn a lot of new lines quickly. She worked with him late into the night so he would be ready for filming.                                                                                                                                         DL: I didn’t know she offered those services!                                                                 SC: Carol Ann has no idea she is being implicated in a sex scandal right now! (David shakes his head – “Can’t say anything nice.”)

Q: How were you as a student?                                                                                            SC: Flew f-bombs all the time. When he was 10 y. o., a girl asked to get moved from his school table because he swore too much!                                                     DL: Went to a boy’s trade school that was rough. He faded into the background to survive.  😨                                                                                                        DB: Never got into trouble. Spent time doing music.                                                  SC: “Boo!”                                                                                                                                        RR: At school, a four y. o. a girl asked him to stick his head under her skirt. He did and got into terrible trouble. Also, suspended for smashing a window. Always in trouble. 

Q: Which actor would you like to work with:                                                                 RR: Graham McTavish                                                                                                               DL: John Sessions, who played Arthur Duncan, Geillis’ husband the pre-factor fiscal of Crainesmuir.                                                                                                  SC: Tobiahs Menzes                                                                                                                  RR: Steven Cree, Tobiahs Menzes                                                                                         SC: “Everyone wants to play Jamie. He’s so wonderful. Blah, Blah: Eyes, arse, cock!” 😆

Q: How do you prepare for combat scenes?                                                                     DL: Beheading the Duke of Sandringham (ep 312, The Hail Mary) took some preparation to get it right. Simon Callow was terrified. After the scene was over, Simon told the director, “Sam is a gentleman but that Duncan is a psychopath!” 🪓🩸

Q: How have things at Outlander evolved behind the scenes?                                                       DB: Feels bad he wasn’t in S1 because the fans are so nostalgic for it.                                                                                                                           SC: “F**king wonderful, a well-oiled machine!”                                                               RR: More efficient. Size and scale of all sets from S1 to present. All preserved and stored. Huge wardrobe department and armory. 

Fan Comment: “David, thank you for portraying LJG with such sensitivity.”                                                                                                                                    DB: It was tough to accept a part as a gay man because it was a big risk, but societal attitudes have changed. David tries to move the character in a slightly different direction so sexuality doesn’t define LJ – he tries to give LJ dimensions beyond his gayness to create a full human being.

Q: Did you have previous careers?                                                                                     DL: Plenty of jobs; hundreds of jobs in factories, cleaning roadways, etc.                                                                                                       DB: A journalist.                                                                                                                            SC: Many jobs, worked in bars and restaurants and stuffed envelopes: he was a good letter licker! Wink, followed by a pregnant pause…. (Cheeky wee laddie) 😆                                                                                                                                       RR: Lots of jobs. Worked in Royal Bank of Scotland. Also sold kitchens and windows by cold-calling. If people were rude, he would say, “Oh, so you don’t want the round-the-world trip and hang up. Or, “ You don’t want your new BMW?” Richard was also a bar manager, and he quite liked that job. 

Q: Favorite episode?                                                                                                                    DL: “Episode where Graham gets stabbed to death!” (ep 213, Dragonfly in Amber)

                                                                                                                                               RR: The one where Roger goes back home to Inverness and settles down with a nice girl.                                                                                                                             DB: “The first episode I was in!” (ep 303, All Debts Paid)                                        SC: “Episode one! Cunnilingus in the first 13 seconds!” They call it “downtown Frank!” 😱

Next Panel – Saturday Afternoon: CD, SS, LL

Q: Lauren, how did you prepare for the face plant (ep 511, Journeycake)? It looked so realistic!                                                                                                                      LL: At first a stunt woman was assigned to do the face plant, but Lauren decided she wanted to do it. The brick floor was replaced with a padded surface that only looked like a brick floor. She fell from a kneeling position. The first time hurt despite the padding. Then the stunt woman suggested Lauren let her shoulder take the impact, and that did the trick!

Yep, that was Lauren! 👍🏻

Q: Will we see Loughaire again?                                                                                               LL: Would love to work with Nell (Hudson) again. She only worked with her in one episode (ep 308, First Wife). No one knew if she will be back. Book readers know! Wink, wink. 🤞🏻

Q: Where will the S6 premier be held?                                                                          Dead silence. No one would say.                                                                                            SS: Can you go to London? Wink, Wink, Wink!

Q: Do you like to do your own stunts?                                                                              CD: He does his own stunts and uses his wooden hand as a weapon. He did a movie about free diving. He says it was terrifying just to stay alive. They were breathing through a straw and he suffered lots of panic attacks. Cesar learned to dive for the show, and he was scared! The untitled thriller will be shown on Netflix-France.                                                                                                           LL and SS: Both want to Tom Cruise it. 

Q: New projects other than Outlander?                                                                              LL: Plays a detective in Karen Pririe, a series out this fall. She takes on a cold case of a murdered bar maid (ITV).                                                                                    CD: SAS Rogue Heroes where Peaky Blinders meets “something”  (unintelligible) – on steroids!                                                                                                      SS: A film with Diane Keaton is next – a ballet movie.

Q: Does your family watch your Outlander performances?                                        SS: Yes, her family does watch, but not her friends.                                                 CD: His friends are disappointed in his choices. He asks Lauren to watch his performance and tell him how he did, “I’m too scared!” He doesn’t like to watch himself after doing his roles.                                                                                      SS: Richard does the same thing –  “You just watch them for us.”                          LL: Friends don’t watch the show. Her 90 y. o. grandpa read the books but said “There are things I have to pass over.” (He has since passed)                                                                                                         SS: Sophie was staying at her brother’s house and the neighbors showed films (including Outlander) outside on a huge garden wall. Her sister-in-law told Sophie to distract her brother not to look out the window – they were showing her sex scene with Richard.

Q: Favorite and least favorite set:                                                                                            LL: Hated Wilmington because it was wet and cold. Loved South Africa!                                                                                                                        CD: Loved their wedding scene (ep 311, Uncharted).

Cesar also shared that when he and Richard rode into Brownsville, the “mud movers” had made the road muddy. They were supposed to get off their horses as if heading to kick ass but were slipping all over the place.  So instead of manly marching down the street, they had to take baby steps so as not to slip. In Cesar’s lilting French accent, “ It was so hard to be cool walking down the street because we were slipping in the mud.” He demonstrated that, and it was hilarious. Also, Richard fell getting off his horse!

Q: Have you taken anything from the set?                                                                          LL: I have the wedding ring. She also wants a pot or crockery from their new cabin (!) in S6.                                                                                                                                CD: Hard to take anything. The crew is on it!                                                                     SS: “I almost took the pearls!”

Q: How was it to work at night on episode 512, Never My Love?                        CD: It was like a dance. Very cold in the forest. And, you would never be in a forest at night. Super intense. High stakes. 

Q: Do they send assessment emails after filming?                                                              SS: Yes, we get emails about what we can and cannot say. Publicists are clear about our talking points. 

Closing Panel – Sunday: RR, SC, DL, SS, LL, CD, DB

They all seemed pretty weary, which is why Steven might have quipped:

SC: Are you sick of us yet? Safe to say, “you can go fuck yourselves!”                                                                                                            SS: “You guys rock.”                                                                                                                     RR: “What happens in Seattle……”                                                                                          DL: “Absolutely amazing. Duncan is going to have a long, very intimate adventure in the fog,” (very foggy out).                                                                               SS: “Thanks to all of you!”                                                                                                            RR: “Thanks!”

Q: How has your life changed during COVID?                                                               RR: More drinking home alone. Gonzo (his dog) drank with me.                              SC: Raised more money for “Cash for Kids” and “masturbating!”  What???                                                                                                                    LL: Long evening walks to clear my head.                                                                          CD: Play Station, drinking alone, and more gym work.                                                   DB: Getting to know his 5 y. o. better. They threw a lot of tantrums together.

Q: What is your fav body of work?                                                                                       RR: Black Watch; Philomont                                                                                                          SC: Cabaret in 2007, West End in London, and The Little Princess                            DL: “One man underneath the Lintel.” Seen by five people!   (Duncan might have meant “Underneath the Lintel?”)                                                                                             LL: Karen Pririe!                                                                                                                              CD: His first film at 13 y. o. “My favorite show I’ve ever acted in was my first because my mom was so proud of me.”                                                                                                        DB: His fav is the one yet to come. He loves the freshness. 

Just two questions and then it was over! And, just like that, they bid us farewell! 👋🏻

An hour or so later, I hopped into my trusty Subaru, and headed for Oregon. It was a beautiful day and Mt. Hood looked spectacular!

Big hugs to my gal-pals who helped so much! 🤗

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist 

Follow me on:

Photo Credits: Starz, Tom Cook, Jo KC, Ally Nisbet, Kristine Wilcox, Outlander Anatomy


2019 Outlandish Vancouver Meet and Greet

Day two in Surrey, B.C. Yay!

Another glorious day, but gusty winds swirled as I headed to the Sheraton to register for Surrey International Writer’s Conference. Hard to demo a breeze from a still shot, but you can imagine, yes?

The lobby was busy as attendees registered and picked up their badges.

Mine! 😁

Then, a bit of 🛍! (I left home without my black jeans! 😱)  A drive around the area and another view of splendid fall colors. ❤️

Later, I headed south to Eaglequest Coyote Creek Golf Course for the Outlandish Vancouver Meet and Greet.

I arrived early. But, soon the banquet room started filling with Outlander fans!

The swag was delightful: tote, lanyard, name tag and photo. A close look at First Nation composite photo of Trevor Carroll, Carmen Moore, and Braeden Clarke. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

We were treated to a light buffet and drinks. Soon, host KoKo introduced the featured guests: Braeden, Trevor, Carmen, Ed Speleers, John Bell, and Kieth (Kikki) Fleming. A wonderful lineup of S4 characters!

No photos or videos were allowed during the meet and greet, but for the next hour and half, the actors visited each table to have a chat. I can share the following highlights:

Ed (Stephen Bonnet) greeted our table by grabbing a snack from my plate! 😁

He then asked to name our favorite character from S4. One San Diego fan (who will remain nameless) 😉, instantly quipped, “Leroi!” This was followed by fan flushes and a “Bonnet” steely look.  Oh, he knew who Leroi was, for sure!!! 😂

Trevor Carroll (Otter-Tooth) was next. Fans will remember Otter-Tooth (Ta’wineonawira) was formerly known as Robert Springer, a time traveller who ventured from 1968 into the past to save his ancestors.

Otter-Tooth appeared in Outlander episodes 403, The False Bride, and ep 413, Man of Worth.  The intro of 413, shows Trevor as annoyed Robert Springer, seated on a park bench as two little boys play cowboys and Indians, nearby!

Later, in episode 413, Otter-Tooth dances his war dance before  meeting his final fate. We asked him about that experience. He explained that a Mohawk war dance is quite different from that of his Nation, so he watched YouTube to learn the dance with only a week of preparation.

Director, Stephen Woolfenden, asked Trevor to perform the war dance alone, before the fire. The result was so pleasing, he called in the 100+ First Nation actors and Trevor danced once again, this time before a very large audience!

Kieth Fleming (Lesley) Visited our table. What a bright and funny guy!

I asked him about the origins of his nickname, Kikki expecting it to be a fun family moniker. He explained that he felt the name, Keith lacked gravitas. Then, a director asked his name and when he answered “Kieth,” the director said “Ki, Ki, Ki!” And, his nickname was born.

At this point, everyone at our table started chanting “Ki, Ki, Ki, Ki, Ki!” He accepted the teasing with good nature. We were being silly as by then, everyone had had a few! 😜

John Bell came to our table, filled with enthusiasm and energy. He showed his wolf ring, last’s years birthday gift. This year, his gift was a handsome red plaid jacket. I wish I could share a photo.

John explained that, indeed, he did most of the scrambling, jumping, spinning and crawling in the gauntlet scene. As young Ian, John shines!

Carmen was next. Such fun to meet another Carmen! 🤗

She was asked to comment on the red stain on the sleeve of her costume, the mark of a warrior. She commented that it was a thrill to play a female warrior, Wahkatiiosta!

Carmen is currently filming a story about an indigenous mother searching for her missing daughter. The film will underscore the jarring fact that thousands of First Nation women have disappear without a trace and with little interest on the part of authorities! She is committed changing this practice. Yes!

Next, Braedon Clarke (Kaheroton) came to our table and what a fun fellow! I mentioned that his costume was my favorite from S4. He shared a fun fact.

He was initially outfitted in brown leather with skunk skin over one shoulder. He said it looked good on him (what wouldn’t? 😉). But, then he spied a rack of costumes. He pointed put a red coat and the costumer agreed, he should try on. And, voila! Kaheroton stood in all his glory! Braedon finalized his own costume. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

He also noted it was shocking when his shoulder length hair was shaved off. The wonderful feather headpiece was super-glued to his head, creating a truly memorable character!

The evening ended with personalized autographs from the First Nation actors. They were so wonderful and personable. A true joy to meet them!

Braedon also agreed to give me a second autograph, this time of his photo in The Making of Outlander, Seasons 3 and 4! What a sweetie!

Tired but delighted with the evening’s events, I headed back to my hotel and fell into bed!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on:

Photo Credits: Outlander Anatomy, Pinterest, Starz, Outlandercast,  Geno Acedo, Outlander Homepage