Fun Fact: os nasale

Starz episode 306, A. Malcolm

Anatomy def: The ossa nasale are small paired bones forming the bridge of nose. These support the softer cartilage sides and tip of nose.

Outlander def: Delicate nose bones in peril as arduous sweethearts bump-thump: Jamie’s hard head meets Claire’s delicate bridge of nose. Och! What a memorable moment for the two lovers, underscoring 20 years of absence!!! 

Learn about ossa nasale in Anatomy Lesson #28, Claire’s Nose – The Savvy Sniffer!

Diana’s books are replete with examples of Claire sniffing out all manner of splendors, offenders and defenders! Intact ossa nasale provide the very best nasal architecture for her (and us) to sample odors, smells, scents, aromas, fragrances, reeks, stinks, miasmas, whiffs, flavors, fetors, airs, aurae, stenches and funks. Claire’s savvy sniffer does ‘em all!

Read about Claire’s ossa nasale in Voyager book. The two-decades, long-awaited moment is interrupted with a head-to-nose kebby-lebby!

My nose hit his forehead with a sickening crunch. My eyes watered profusely as I rolled away from him, clutching my face. “Ow!”

“Christ, have I hurt ye, Claire?” Blinking away the tears, I could see his face, hovering anxiously over me. “No,” I said stupidly. “My nose is broken, though, I think.” “No, it isn’t,” he said, gently feeling the bridge of my nose. “When ye break your nose, it makes a nasty crunching sound, and ye bleed like a pig. It’s all right.” 

I felt gingerly beneath my nostrils, but he was right; I wasn’t bleeding. The pain had receded quickly, too. As I realized that, I also realized that he……

Psst….for the rest of this passage,….. read the book! <G>

See Och! See Jamie’s head smack the bridge of Claire’s nose and Claire grip her ossa nasale in Outlander, episode 306, A. Malcolm! Laddie, yer heid is as hard as an iron pot, or so says your sister, Jenny! ?

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo Credit: Sony/Starz

Fun Fact: nasalis

fun fact, nasalis, nose, nostril

Anatomy def: Nasalis is a small muscle of facial expression, one on each side of the nose. To be precise, the muscle’s full name is musculus nasalis; musculus is Latin for “little mouse under the skin,” referring to our muscles. <g> Each nasalis has two parts: one part flares the alae (nostril flaps) and another part constricts the nostrils.

Outlander def: Nose muscles flaring the nostrils of hearty horses and hostile Heilanders!

Learn about the nasalis muscle in Anatomy Lesson #28, The Savvy Sniffer Sniffer – Claire’s Nose Knows!

Read about flaring nostrils in Voyager book. No quotes that match our image, but here is one about Jamie. Just understand that nostrils do not flare unless nasalis muscles are constricted. Herself provides <G>!

Jamie’s lips pressed tight together and his nostrils flared white. Then he whirled on his heel and was gone without speaking. Rapid steps sounded on the boards, and a muffled slam came from the far end of the passage.

Want to know why Jamie’s nostrils flared white? Read the book!

See Angus’ flare his nostrils in Starz episode 210, Prestonpans! This fiesty fiend’s nasalis muscles are fully contracted. He smells those Redcoats and he doesna like the stench. Angus’ nostrils are so flared, they produce white lines aside his alae! Do you see them? Thank you Angus, for being a perfect anatomical model!

A  deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Fun Fact – levator labii superioris alaeque nasi


levator labii superioris alae·que na·si \ ləˈvātər/ ’ su,piər.i’ā-ˈlē-kwē-ˈnā-ˌzī\

noun, Latin meaning lifter of the upper lip and wing (ala) of the nose

Anatomy Def: muscle of facial expression that flares the nostril and lifts the upper lip

Outlander Def: An sexy wee muscle that flares Jamie’s nostrils when he’s waited long enuf – no more stalling clever Claire!

Learn about levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (LLSAN), a tiny muscle with the longest name of any, in Anatomy Lesson #11: Jamie’s Face or Ye Do It Face to Face? Also known as the Elvis muscle, it snarls the lip and flares the nostrils. A mnemonic to remember its name is: “Little Ladies Snore All Night.

Read about Jamie’s nose in Outlander book:

He regarded me for a moment, rubbing his nose, which was beginning to redden. “Well, I might take that several ways, Sassenach, but under the circumstances,” he said, “thank you.” “I should thank you,” I said, “for marrying me. I must say that I’d rather be here than in Fort William.” “I thank ye for the compliment, lady,” he said.

See Jamie’s nostrils flare in Starz episode 107, The Wedding (and in episode 101, too). Yes, it’s his LLSAN at work!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist