A Day with Herself at 2018 NYCC!

Dear Outlander fans, this post chronicles the fantastic events of Sunday, October 7th, at 2018 NYCC!

By 8:30am, my companions from the big island of Oahu were headed for Shop Studios near the Jacob Javits Center in NYC awaiting a panel discussion entitled “Pages to Pictures.”  Jo, Jeri and I were so excited, as we were first in line (rarely happens).

The panel included Diana Gabaldon (whose works need no introduction), Justin Cronin author of The Passage and Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy! Diana was the first panelist to enter the room, looking beautifully casual in hot pink sweater, bellbottom jeans and her luxurious black hair!

The next hour zipped by as each panelist was given moments to tell us about getting started in writing, how their work was selected for films and advice to those who want to write.

Diana explained how she chose science following her father’s admonition to pursue a profession whereby she could make a living. She earned a BS in zoology, MS in marine biology and PhD in behavioral ecology, eventually becoming a research professor. Early on, she wrote software reviews and technical articles for computer publications, as well as popular-science articles and comic books for the Walt Disney Company.

Diana decided to write a novel for practice  with no intention to show it to anyone (<G>). She settled on a historical novel because as a research professor, it would be easiest to research and write. It was a serendipitous moment when she happened to see a rerun episode of the Doctor Who science fiction TV series wherein his companion was a Scot named Jamie McCrimmon from  1745. This episode provided the inspiration for her main male character, James Fraser, and the setting for mid-18th century Scotland. 

She categorized her characters into three different types: onions with many layers that peel away with time (J & C); nuts which belong in the story but are more challenging develop (e.g. Bree); and mushrooms, that just popup (LJG)! Culinary delights, for sure.

All three panelists advised that if one wants to write, don’t wait for a convenient time because that doesn’t exist. They all advised nascent novelists to just start and then try to write something everyday.  Splendid hour, well spent!

We immediately hoofed it to the Javit’s Center for author signing. Diana was already ain her chair with a very long line down the wall and around the corner!

We were delighted to spy “Claire” in line for an autograph.  😉 This fan had made her own version of the Dior-inspired bar suit designed by Terry Dresbach.  Started with a muslin version followed by the final.  Pleats were a challenge. She did a splendid job!

When my turn came, Diana greeted me warmly.

And, I snagged her autograph on the title page of Seven Stones to Stand or Fall!

We set aside the afternoon to spend together after her two hour autograph session.  Her first choice was to visit the Starz Outlander booth. Off we go!

The right half of the booth was devoted to Fraser’s Ridge, the left to American Gods!

She received a mini-tour including a short spiel from the Caswell-Massey rep about their history and fragrances designed for fans at the Outlander booth.

The following clip shows what she heard although from a different rep on a different day.

We saw two hundred year-old chests used to store fragrances in the early days.

Interior of the chest!

Hanging on the wall was a map of River Run plantation.

And, a facsimile of Fraser’s Ridge land grant from governor William Tryon.  This was too cool.

As swag, Diana snagged an Outlander “Brave the New World” tote.

She also received a personalized leather luggage tag (this one is mine), initials in gold leaf  and samples of all three fragrances.

This  little video shows the interior of Fraser’s Ridge booth.

At the booth, Diana graciously met fans, signed autographs and posed for selfies even though she had just met and signed autographs for hundreds of fans.  Clearly, her generosity is just one reason she is so beloved by her fandom.

I always enjoy seeing which color she chose for her splendid nails. This time, a beautiful electric violet that nicely complimented her outfit!

Finished at the booth, we decided to grab food at Chelsea Market.  The traffic was ghastly, but her driver quickly and safely delivered us to our destination.

The next three hours literally flew by as we discussed anatomy, pathology, book characters, show characters, character development, wound-healing, scars, wonders of Manuka honey, and her son’s (Sam Sykes) writing career. I saw an updated photo of her toddler grandson.  He is a sturdy, charismatic little guy who clearly loves life, much like his grandmum!

At 5:45, we parted company, her to her hotel and me to my Lyft! I had a long trip back to my home base at Columbia University.  A day well spent, for which I am deeply grateful!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo creds: Outlander Anatomy, Diane Blake, Jody K. Chang, Jeri Sato, www.UrbanMatter.com

Fun Fact: External Rotation

Anatomy def: External rotation is the act of rotating outwardly.

Outlander Def: Both shoulders pulled backward, Geilles languidly gazes to the left.… “Do ye favor my splendid finger painting, wee laddie? Och! Noooo! She scares the bejesus out of Young Ian.

Learn about external rotation in Anatomy Lesson #19, To Arms, Too Arms, Two Arms! 

Moving shoulder joints towards the spine (as in standing at attention) with palms facing forward and thumbs pointing outward is external rotation. (Moving shoulder joints toward the chest with palms facing backward and thumbs pointing toward the thighs is internal rotation.)

Try this: Stand before a mirror with arms at the sides. To execute external rotation of the shoulder joint: Turn palms forward with thumbs pointing outward.

Geillis’ shoulder joints are externally rotated even with hands on her hips, but they will rotate even further with arms at her sides and palms forward.

Wee Fun Fact: Our shoulder joints are the most moveable joints of the human body.

Read about Geillis seduction of Ian in Voyager book, wherein Ian describes her foul behavior in detail. This excerpt is suitable for work – other parts are not. Read the books! <G>

““I didna want to answer her, but I couldna seem to help myself. I felt verra warm, like I was fevered, and I couldna seem to move easy. But I answered all her questions, and her just sitting there, pleasant as might be, watching me close wi’ those big green eyes.’

…“She laughed then, and looked at me careful, and said as how I might not be such a loss, after all. If I was no good for what she had in mind, perhaps I might have other uses.’ ”

See The Witch’s bad behavior in Starz ep 312, The Bakra. Tsk. Tsk. No verra dignified, Mrs. Abernathy!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on:

Photo Credit: Sony/Starz

Fun Fact: Carpal Bone

Anatomy def: Carpals are eight small bones forming the wrist.

Outlander def: Rocking aboard the Artemis, Claire checks her soaring temperature with the back of wrist. Oh, the lass is on fire! … psst … so is Jamie! He, he!

Learn about carpal bones in Anatomy Lesson #22 Jamie’s Hand – Symbol of Sacrifice. If time is short for a full lesson, consider watching my quickie hand lesson, courtesy of Outlander After the Show. This lesson streamed June 1, 2015, just after the airing of ep 116, Wentworth Prison. The  lesson begins at 16:42 in the following video. Thanks to hosts Keetin, Jen and Ryan for inviting me to discuss the hand’s splendid engineering!

Eight oddly-shaped carpal bones are arranged in two rows to form the wrist. The near row abuts forearm bones and the far row articulates with metacarpal bones. Carpal bones are named for their shapes:

  • scaphoid (boat)
  • lunate (crescent-shaped)
  • triquetrum (three-cornered)
  • pisiform (pea)
  • trapezium (table)
  • trapezoid (quadrilateral)
  • capitate (head-shaped)
  • hamate (hook-shaped)

Carpal bones are arranged in a shallow arch traversed by 9 tendons and a nerve. Small repetitive movements or fluid retention can create pressure on the nerve (median) as it passes through the arch causing tingling and numbness, symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Read about  carpal bones in Outlander book, wherein Claire amuses herself by likening streets and lanes of Cranesmuir to bones of forearm and hand. That Claire – always the doc.  That Diana – always the scientist. We love them!

In fact, I had amused myself on the ride to the smithy by imagining an aerial view of the village as a representation of a skeletal forearm and hand; the High Street was the radius, along which lay the shops and businesses and the residences of the more well-to-do. St. Margaret’s Lane was the ulna, a narrower street running parallel with the High, tenanted by smithy, tannery, and the less genteel artisans and businesses. The village square (which, like all village squares I had ever seen, was not square at all, but roughly oblong) formed the carpals and metacarpals of the hand, while the several lanes of cottages made up the phalangeal joints of the fingers.

See Claire’s wrist in action as she self-diagnoses in Starz Episode 311, Uncharted! Continue watching the episode to see what Jamie does to douse her fever. Wink, wink!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo credit: Sony/Starz