Fun Fact: Extensor Indicis

Anatomy def: Extensor indicis is a muscle of the extensor (back) forearm – its tendon extends (straightens) the index finger (pointer finger or forefinger).

Outlander def: Jamie’s pointer finger twitches madly as Claire and Jenny come face-to-face in their terse meet-and-greet. Tappity tap – a 20-year gap. Scary!

Learn about extensor indicis in Anatomy Lesson #23, Harming Hands – Helping Hands – Healing Hands.

Turns out, the index finger receives tendons from extensor indicis and extensor digitorum (covered in a earlier FF).  Both muscles lie in the back of forearm but the tendons cross the wrist and insert into bones of the index finger. The dual tendons straighten (extend) and lift the index finger, offering it greater strength in extension and more independent movement from the remaining three fingers.

Fun Fact: In US anatomy, the thumb is not counted as a finger, so index finger is the first. Across the pond, some European anatomists define the thumb as  the first finger, so index is counted as the second finger. Ergo, many surgeons prefer using: thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers (or something similar) to omit possible mix-ups of finger numbers during surgery. Scary x2!

Rewatch Starz episode 308, First Wife, to see Jamie’s pointer finger flutter as he ponders the strain between first wife and big sista. Not good! 

Read about Jamie’s twitchy fingers in Voyager book. Actually, his tapping fingers appear in most of Diana’s books:  

I caught a quick glance passing between Ian and Jenny; and a longer stare, unreadable, exchanged between Jenny and Jamie. A stranger here in more ways than one, I kept my own eyes cast down, observing under the shelter of my lashes. Jamie sat to my left; I could feel the tiny movement between us as the two stiff fingers of his right hand drummed their small tattoo against his thigh.

See Big Red flutter his index finger in Starz episode 308, First WifeKebbie-lebbie at Lallybroch!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on:

Photo credits: Sony/Starz

2018 SDCC Interview with Heather Insley

Greetings Outlander fans! At SDCC just before the Outlandish Fan Panel, I was lucky to snag an interview with Heather Insley, admin for Outlander SoCal Edition.  Turns out, this group has been around since 2013 and has been instrumental in promoting all things Outlander. They’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube!

Good news! You do not need to live in Southern California to join this welcoming group!

This is my interview with perky and warm Heather. Pssst……she loves to wear knitted caps, but light weight ones, as soCal can get a wee bit warm at times. <G>

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on:

Video credit: OA

2018 San Diego Comic Con

Greetings Outlander fans! Not too many Outlander activities at the San Diego Comic Con, but there are some.

Dropped by the Cryptozoic booth. Creative mastermind George Nadeau agreed to a brief interview about Outlander offerings this year.

Cryptozoic is a company which specializes in collectable cards, games, board games, trading cards and comics.

Cryptozoic has created a Jamie doll this year. He can be purchased by going online to He is available to everyone. 

See Jamie’s figure in action here!

This year, Cryptozoic is also offering three Outlander wardrobe cards. The cards include swatches of the actual fabrics used to create a particular garment worn during Outlander, season 3.

At present, wardrobe cards are available only at comic cons where Cryptozoic has a presence. If you are unable to attend but have a thirst for one or more of these cards, ask a friend going to a comic con to pick some up for you. Alternatively, they can be found online from private buyers, but be prepared – the private cards are super spendy! 

George, Jody Kawamata-Chang and I send you greetings from inside the SDCC exhibit hall! Thanks to Jody Kawamata-Chang who served as our videographer.

Signing off for now!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on:

Video and Photo Credits: OA, Kawamata-Chang