FF: Levator Palpebrae Superioris

levator palpebra superioris <ləˈvādər> <pāl’pə-brə>

n. sing. palpebra; n. pl. pal·pe·brae (-brē′)

Latin levare meaning “lift” – palpebra meaning “eyelid” – superioris meaning “upper”

first use mid-1700s


Anatomy def: Levator palpebrae superioris are muscles lifting the superior (upper) eyelids. Why palpebrae? There are two such muscles – one for each eye; contracting together, they open the eyelids.

Outlander def: Jamie’s lid lifters raise in dismay, reminding him that he is alive, when he prefers death!

Learn about levator palpebrae superioris in Anatomy Lesson #29, The Eyes Have It!  This lesson teaches that only upper eyelids are lifted by muscles; lower eyelids glide open by the pull of gravity.

Read about Jamie eyes post-Culloden in Outlander book. Herself informs us that the Laird’s eyes were crusted shut with blood so they resisted opening. Levator palpebrae superioris muscles did the heavy lifting so he could gaze upon the encroaching aftermath. He’s alive but wishes he wasna!

The hand struck something hard, and the fingers tangled in wet, snarled hair. He sat up abruptly, and with some effort, cracked the layer of dried blood that had sealed his eyelids shut. Memory flooded back, and he groaned aloud. He had been mistaken. This was hell. But James Fraser was unfortunately not dead, after all.

See Jamie lift his upper eyelids as he awakens to the horrific devastation of Culloden Battlefield and the remembered loss of Claire! Both levators contract to reveal those bonny blues! Gif courtesy of Starz S.3 trailer. TY Starz!!!

Fun Fact: Metacarpals

image of a woman's hands

Anatomy def: Metacarpals are one of 5 bones of the hand, situated between wrist and digits. Comparable bones of the foot are metatarsals.

Outlander def: Hand bones on which BJ plays snap, crackle, and pop! Or, was it knick knack paddy-whack, break the puir lad’s bones? Gah!

Learn the five metacarpals in Anatomy Lesson #22, Jamie’s Hand – Symbol of Sacrifice. Metacarpals are numbered 1-5 beginning with the thumb side. Together, five metacarpals form the bony skeleton in the palm of hand!

Read about metacarpals in Outlander book. But, of course, they are there! …Claire muses about metacarpals and Crainesmuir village while riding her pony behind Dougal!

In fact, I had amused myself on the ride to the smithy by imagining an aerial view of the village as a representation of a skeletal forearm and hand; the High Street was the radius, along which lay the shops and businesses and the residences of the more well-to-do. St. Margaret’s Lane was the ulna, a narrower street running parallel with the High, tenanted by smithy, tannery, and the less genteel artisans and businesses. The village square (which, like all village squares I had ever seen, was not square at all, but roughly oblong) formed the carpals and metacarpals of the hand, while the several lanes of cottages made up the phalangeal joints of the fingers.

See Claire massage the healing metacarpals of Jamie’s left hand during opening credits of S.2!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist


Interview with George Nadeau from Cryptozoic Entertainment

Hey, anatomy students! Ever heard the word, cryptozoic? – from the Greek, meaning “hidden life.” It is also the name of an enterprising company, Cryptozoic Entertainment, Inc., a premier developer and publisher of original and licensed board games, card games, comics, and trading cards. I first became aware of Cryptozoic Entertainment, Inc., at SDCC 2017, where it occupied booth #115!

This being my first San Diego Comic-Con, or any comic-con for that matter, I was totally ignorant of Outlander trading cards, so I found this arena utterly unexpected and fascinating. I hope you do too! 

Cryptozoic.com has already created S.1 Outlander collectable trading cards and plans to create more for each upcoming Outlander season. Sadly, S.1 cards are apparently completely sold out from distributor’s shelves. But, if you are willing to skip a mortgage installment or rent payment, they can be bought on e-Bay. Or, try trading something special, like your first born. Naw, just joshing! Please keep your kid!

cryptozoic entertainment trading cards for Outlander and Outlander Anatomy interview


Who is the genius behind the Outlander trading cards? A young man named George Nadeau of Cryptozoic Entertainment, Inc. George kindly consented to an audio interview wherein he explains the development, production, availability, and distribution of Outlander trading cards. I mispronounce his last name in the recording; it actually rhymes with “meadow!” Apologies, George!

Listen in for a few moments as George describes the cards and how you can get Outlander Season 2 cards in your hands sooner rather than later!

The Cryptozoic booth sold Outlander S.2 promo card sets, each consisting of three cards: two were visible at purchase. A third wild card was sandwiched between the other two so a buyer knows not which wild card is inside. There are different wild cards, some are from S1 or S2, or from promo images. I purchased 17 sets for friends and moi ($11/pack of three). One of my promo packs displayed Claire in her garden gown on one side

Jamie in his leaping stag coat on the other side.

The wild card bonus sandwiched between the two visible cards was  Jamie in repose. Luck of the draw! <G>

The booth also featured an enclosed display of Season 2 Outlander trading cards, which will come on sale over the next few weeks. The cards are chosen randomly and packaged in packets, usually of 5 trading cards. The packet cards typically include images as well as wardrobe cards, printing plate cards, double wardrobe cards, autographs cards, etc.  S.1 had 72 unique base cards; at present we don’t know how many base cards will be available for S.2. Also, each card is numbered, so if you buy more than one pack and get duplicates, you trade for cards you don’t have.

Clearly, if you plan to trade cards, you will need more than one packet to obtain duplicates. There are also other “special” cards that can be purchased and collected including gold cards, silver, or silver Fraser brooch cards. The highly desirable wardrobe cards contain swatches of the fabric used in making a specific costume. Think, red dress! Double wardrobe cards contain swatches from two costumes. Think J and C wedding outfits!

The following are some S.2 cards that will become available soon as shown in the display case at booth #115.

A lovely composite of Roger and Bree!

And, this one makes me laugh! Apparently, every card Lionel signed includes a mustache and beauty mark (or some type of facial markup), courtesy of Mr. Lingelser!

I hope you enjoyed learning a wee bit about this wonderful culture of Outlander trading cards. Who knew? Not me!

Stay tuned for more SDCC 2017!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Disclaimer: I am neither spokesperson for nor beneficiary from posting about Cryptozoic Entertainment, Inc.