Anatomy Lesson #49 Tomorrow!

Uh, oh, puir Lt. Jeremy Foster! His liver said “hello” to Dougal’s dirk! Tomorrow is Anatomy Lesson #49: “Our Liver – The Life Giver!” (Well, except when Uncle Dougal’s around…)

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Fun Fact: vermillion border

Anatomy def: Sharp demarcation (rim) where facial skin meets upper and lower lips (red arrow); the rim is often paler than the lips. Anatomical spelling is “vermilion,” not “vermillion.”

Outlander def: The perfect target for Jamie kisses!  “da mi basia mille, diende centum, dein mille altera, dein secunda centum” …   “Then let amorous kisses dwell, On our lips, begin and tell, A Thousand and a Hundred score, A Hundred, and a Thousand more.” (from Catullus – TY Diana!)

Learn about the vermilion border in Anatomy Lesson #14, Jamie and Claire – Anatomy of a Kiss.

Read about the edge (vermillion border) of Claire’s lips in Diana’s first book, Outlander. Gasp! Thud!

He reached out and touched my lower lip, barely brushing the edge. “It starts out the same, but then, after a moment,” he said, speaking softly, “suddenly it’s as though I’ve a living flame in my arms.” His touch grew firmer, outlining my lips and caressing the line of my jaw. “And I want only to throw myself into it and be consumed.”

See Claire’s lovely lips in each and every Starz episode, from season one through season two; but, Starz episode 107, The wedding, has particularly splendid examples! Claire’s exquisite lips are surrounded by a perfect vermilion border!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist


Fun Fact: Acromion

Anatomy def: The outermost end of the spine of scapula (shoulder blade).

Outlander def: This delicious “point of the shoulder” presents a grand shoulder for Claire to cry on!

Learn about the acromion in Anatomy Lesson #2: “When Claire Meets Jamie” or “How to Fall in Love While Reducing a Dislocated Shoulder Joint!” (wow, that lesson posted a looong time ago!) The acromion forms a stable joint with the clavicle (collar bone) and serves as an attachment site for muscles.

Read about the acromion or point of the shoulder in Dragonfly in Amber book. Gratefully, Diana never fails to provide!

I put a stop to this by punching him as hard as I could on the point of the shoulder. Surprised, he let the arm collapse under him with a sharp “Oof!” and rolled onto his side, back toward me…

See Jamie’s acromion in Starz episode 201, Not in Scotland Anymore. Hey, students, look at the acromion, not his chest. Hee, hee. The bump just below Jamie’s acromion is part of the humerus. Uncle Jared is sorry he doubted his nephew, but we never did. Jamie is the best! Go anatomy!

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist