Outlander at 2021 NYCC!

Annnnndddddd, here they are!!!

Yes! So wonderful to see Diana, Maril, Sam, Caitriona, Caesar, Lauren and John!  We have missed you, all!

Yes, it is the New York Comic Con Outlander panel. Just ran this morning at 11am EDT. Four of the panelists joined remotely, but three dared travel issues and joined the hostess on stage.

And, in case you missed it, below is the Outlander panel from 2019 NYCC! Our stars are so engaging. No wonder we love them so!

And last but not least, the 2018 Outlander panel, held at The Paley Center. I was there, and it was a fantastic experience!

All great panels. Of course, I have never seen a poor Outlander panel.  😉Always entertaining and engaging. Hope you enjoy all of them!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist 🤗

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Photo Credits:  2021 New York Comic Con; The Paley Center for Media; You Tube

Clan-Slam – MIK and Clanlands!

If  you are like me, you binge watched Men in Kilts as soon as it became available on Starz.  What a delightful respite after a very looong Droughlander! At least we can rewatch as we wait and wait and wait for season six of Outlander! 😉

Also, I immediately snagged hard copy and digital versions of Clanlands, the book written by these two inventive lads. And, I listened to the audible version, the official title of the books being: Clanlands: Whisky, Warfare, and a Scottish Adventure Like No Other.

Basically,  TV series and various book forms offer a splendid record of one big, fabulous road trip taken by Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish, stars of the beloved Outlander TV series. And, in an interesting switch-up, the books, the show, and the audible versions are not precisely the same. So, if you are able, I recommend all three forms for conspicuous consumption! 😋

As if reading about this Scottish pair isn’t sufficient to pique ones interest, the book forward is written by Herself, Diana Gabaldon! With typical wit and charm, her first words are:

“Well, in The Beginning…there was a man in a kilt.” 😍

Now, I don’t want to crow (well, maybe a little), but I snagged an autographed version of the hard copy of Clanlands. 🤗

Yes, I know. The “autograph” consists of Sam’s initials and Graham’s… what? There’s maybe a “G” in there, but can the last line possibly read as McTavish??? 🤷‍♀️

The book of their Scottish odyssey begins with this prophetic promise:

“The story of two men who know nothing”

Sam and Graham

Followed by:

“It’s a dangerous business, Graham, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

Sam Heughan on behalf of

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Annnnd….. it goes downhill from there.

Seriously, they begin an arduous week-long journey “to find the real Scotland and what it means to be Scottish,” while sequestered in a Fiat Auto-Roller Clan-Van sporting a gear shift! Now, I wonder who came up with that Clan-Plan? 🤔

It had been years since Sam used a gear shift. So, Graham-wise patiently reviewed the ABC mnemonic for the three foot pedals: A = acceleration; B = brake; C= clutch.  A discussion then ensues – is the ABC from left to right or right to left? Right to left assures Graham. 

“Ka-chunk wheeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrt ka-chunk”

And, They’re off! 😱

The camper looks rather typical from the outside, but was ever so exotic on the inside. Looks a wee bit crowded for these two rather largish Scots!

Between camper van excursions the blokes also travel by bike.

Look ma – No hands! 🙌🏻

They also toured by tandem bike, ending with the slightly naughty, but apropos ditty, “Shovellin’ Coal” by Tony Pranses! 

Travel by kayak.  Well, below is not a kayak – more like a rowboat. Notice Graham relaxes as “coxswain” while Sam and Gary Lewis (aka Colum McKenzie) work! Row, row, row your boat! 🚣🏼

And, the most notable mode of transport: a motorbike with sidecar! Guess who’s driving “Miss Daisy?”

(Sam looks grim; Graham appears worrit)

Their adventure took them to the Highlands of Scotland where they scampered up hills.

And, gazed on magestic vistas! (These guys own a lot of clothes!)

They pulled fishing nets from the sea. And, why wouldn’t they? Scotland has over 6,000 miles of coastline!!!

Hum…. wonder if they had fishing licenses? (Nice shades, Graham!) 😎

They marched with a bagpipe band, possibly the Inverness Youth Pipe Band, as described in Clanlands:

‘Scotland the Brave’ is blasting from the next room as the Inverness Youth Pipe Band warm up, the base drum reverberating off the walls.”

Clearly, Graham and Sam are pumped by the pipes! Bagpipes, that is. 😉

Dressed in snappy threads, they visit Clava Cairn, a type of Bronze Age circular chamber tomb near Inverness. (Like Jamie and Claire, they are separated by 202 years 😜) 

Btw, I was privileged to tour this amazing historical site in 2016. Please go if you get the chance. You won’t regret it.  

The lads even put on Sunday best to attempt the Scottish sword dance.

Not sure what  in the world Sam is doing, but  Lord of the Dance, it is NOT!  Tiptoeing through the tulips, perhaps? 😂

Joy!  Joy!  Joy! One of their happiest moments involved the delightful daredevils rolling in grain on a malting floor, later to be transformed into whisky! 🥃 Happy dance!!!

But, for me, their most impressive accomplishment was not the history lessons, geography tidbits, driving (sort of) tips, clan warfare, or cultural subtleties. Nope, it was the  inventive bits of “slander” furiously lobbed between Sam  and Graham. The first one appears on p. 9 of Clanlands:

“I’m not a ginger [Graham:You kind of are] or a virgin, either!”

Alrighty, then! 😲

Having grown up with three brothers, I well understand, that such defamations often represent the highest form of affection expressed between bros. (Sad isn’t it? 😜)

So what did these two jokesters do? Well, they plastered each other with  various and sundry Clan-slams: zingers, insults, slanders, one-liners, jokes, barbs, quips, ribs, ripostes, giggles, boffo, waggery, drollery, disparagements, jeers, taunts, pokes, prods, nudges and digs! All were meant to gently malign and disparage but, most of all, to entertain with the gentlest of intents! 💓

Sam and Graham have always sparred with each other, even as their respective characters in the Outlander series!

Take this faceoff from Starz, Outlander episode 209, Je Suis Prest. (Psst….Mine is bigger than yours! aka, who’s the man?) 😂

Dougal “pursues” Jamie at Prestonpans (Starz, Outlander episode 210, Prestonpans)! Watch yer back, McDubh! 😉

Oops, Jamie finishes off Dougal. My apologies, uncle! 🗡 (Starz, Outlander episode 213, Dragonfly in Amber) 😱

The lingual gymnastics executed by the two stars immediately grabbed my attention prompting me to start a running tab of their salty jibes. Sharing my initial compendium via Twitter, I was gobsmacked by this response from Sam:

Which was quickly followed by Graham’s reply!

After publishing my first list, I have expanded it,  adding a few “insults” missed the first time around. Below, is my latest compilation. Doubtless, I have missed a few so will update if I find more. 

Which are your favorites? I am very fond of Mr. Shouty for Graham and Booze Hound for Sam (clothes hound might also work). Other favs are Scottish Baby Jesus (re Sam’s birth place) and Capricorn Goat (Graham’s a January babe).

Now, a quick bit of math reveals that Clan-Man, Graham, is a less prolific insulter than Sam, producing only 75% as many grand-slams as those  inflicted by the Hot Scot. This may mean Graham is a nicer guy, or perhaps more gentlemanly not to express every thought that rattles his grey matter, or mayhap he has more important things to do. What do you think?

Ahhhh! Finally at journey’s end, Sam and Graham take a well-earned rest, backs resting against the trusty camper van and cheeks on the as-phalt 😜. (Psst… Honestly, they look a wee bit wasted!)

In the end, let us recall, these two blokes harbor great affection for one another. Sam makes this abundantly clear on the final page of Clanlands…  His touching tribute to Graham:

Lord, ye gave me a rare friend,

and God! I loved the old sod well.”

Sam Heughan on behalf of Diana Gabaldon,

Dragonfly in Amber

As for me, I remain a die-hard, Clan-Fan!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo Credits:  www.Starz.com; Clanlands; Ed Miller; www.brainstudy.info; www.heraldscotland.com; www.monstersandcritics.com; www.oprahdaily.com, www.outlanderanatomy.com; www.scotsman.com; www.sundaypost.com; www.thescottishsun.co.uk; www.thedipp.com; www.vulture.com; You tube

Fun Fact: Consumption

Anatomy Def: Consumption is a progressive wasting away of the body, particularly from pulmonary tuberculosis.

Outlander Def: Sad demise of Mary Hawkins true love, Alexander Randall; age 30 – brother of Captain Black Jack Randall!

History: Back in the 1700s, the disease now recognized as tuberculosis was identified by the odd term, consumption. It was named consumption because the disease literally consumed the sufferer; health was ravaged, tissues lost (weight loss), and the patient wasted away.  This disease was so widespread and feared that it was depicted in many novels, operas, and paintings, such as “The Sick Child,” (1885-86) by Edvard Munch.

Types: The word consumption now has several meanings but all refer to the using of resources:

    • Conspicuous = consumerism (😉, 😉)
    • Economic = use of goods and services by households
    • Sociological = resource use at the national level
    • Tuberculosis =  TB!

Pandemic: We may think  that COVID-19 is the only current pandemic, but this is not so. Humanity suffers from another, much older pandemic: tuberculosis. Yep, tuberculosis is a global disease, found in every country in the world!  It is also the leading cause of infectious deaths worldwide. The WHO estimates that about 1.8 billion people are infected with TB, almost 1/4 of the world’s population! And, TB has been a scourge for thousands of years as signs of tuberculosis have been found in Egyptian mummies dating to 3000-2400 BCE.  

What’s in a Name? OK, consumption is now called tuberculosis. So, what does this word mean? Tuberculosis is Latin for tuberculum (tubercle) + -osis (condition). Ergo, tuberculosis is the condition of having tubercles. 

TB produces tubercles (rounded) growths in tissues, especially the lungs. This a bit gross, but over time, the centers of such nodules undergo cell death, a term known as caseous necrosis because to the naked eye, the areas resemble white creamy cheese! 🤢

Lung x-rays of advanced pulmonary TB typically show large “holes” surrounded by a white border (see arrow in image below). These are clusters of tubercles (white rim) with caseous necrosis in the center (the hole). 

Cause: TB occurs if the body is successfully invaded by a bacterium known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb). But, M.tb isn’t the only culprit as four other species of Mycobacterium also cause TB, including one which survives in un-pasteurized milk! Moo…🐄

Body Distribution: Without question, TB is a ghastly disease that can attack any tissue of the body. Pulmonary TB harbors in the lungs; extra-pulmonary TB invades other body parts, including heart, lymph nodes, bone and joints, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, and brain/spinal cord, to name a few.  Although about 90% of TB settles in the lungs, some poor victims suffer both pulmonary and extra-pulmonary disease! 😲

TB Symptoms:

    • Chest pain
    • Poor appetite
    • Night sweats
    • Weakness
    • Fever
    • Gastrointestinal symptoms
    • Coughing spells
    • Clubbing of the nails

As if this isn’t enough, TB may become dormant in a patient only to return with a vengeance causing prolonged cough with mucus and, eventually, blood if the tubercles erode through pulmonary blood vessels. 😳

Spread: TB is a disease to be feared and respected! When people with active pulmonary TB cough, sneeze, speak, yell, sing, or spit, they expel tiny infectious aerosol droplets. A single sneeze may release up to 40,000 such droplets, each one capable of transmitting disease. Especially horrifying, inhaling fewer than 10 M.tb particles is sufficient to infect a new host! 😲

There are other risk factors besides proximity. Here are a few:

What about Claire? Do I worry about Claire’s contact with Alex? Not so much because her contact with him was minimal. Mary, most assuredly, would be at risk for contracting TB  since she spent much time with Alex in his final weeks and carried his unborn child.

Treatment: Today, a number of drugs are used to treat active TB, including isoniazid, ethambutol, and rifampin.  Alarmingly, there is also growing resistance of M.tb to treatment regimens – more than a half million drug-resistant cases of TB were identified  in 2020.

In Outlander, episode 212, The Hail Mary, Claire cannot cure Alex, but she does offer palliative therapy using thorn-apple smoke as she did with Ned Gowan in Outlander, episode 105, Rent. (Note: Ned suffered from asthma, not TB). During prolonged coughing, airways undergo spasm making it difficult for the sufferer to breathe.

Thorn-apple smoke allayed the cough by relaxing the airways (bronchi) and quieting the patient.  Surprisingly, thorn-apple is considered a better cough-remedy than opium, but must be used with extreme caution, as it is a strong narcotic poison! ☠️

Read about Alex’s consumption (and congestive heart failure) in Diana’s second big book, Dragonfly in Amber (chapter 39): 

The man who lay on the mattress had thrown off the quilts, over-heated by the effort of coughing, I assumed. He was quite red in the face, and the force of his coughing shook the bed frame, sturdy as it was. 

…The coughing gradually eased, and Alexander Randall’s flushed countenance faded to a pasty white. His lips were slightly blue, and his chest labored as he fought to recover his breath. 

I glanced around the room, but didn’t see anything suitable to my purpose. I opened my medical kit and drew out a stiff sheet of parchment. It was a trifle frayed at the edges, but would still serve. I sat down on the edge of the bed, smiling as reassuringly at Alexander as I could manage.

“It was … kind of you … to come,” he said, struggling not to cough between words. 

“You’ll be better in a moment,” I said. “Don’t talk, and don’t fight the cough. I’ll need to hear it.” 

His shirt was unfastened already; I spread it apart to expose a shockingly sunken chest. It was nearly visible from abdomen to clavicle. He had always been thin, but the last year’s illness had left him emaciated. 

I rolled the parchment into a tube and placed one end against his chest, my ear against the other. It was a crude stethoscope, but amazingly effective. 

I listened at various spots, instructing him to breathe deeply. I didn’t need to tell him to cough, poor boy.

…What is it?” His dark hair was disordered by the coughing; trying to restrain the feelings it roused in me, I smoothed it for him. I didn’t want to tell him, but he clearly knew already. 

“You have got catarrh. You also have tuberculosis—consumption.” 


“And congestive heart failure,” I said, meeting his eyes straight on. “Ah. I thought … something of the kind. It flutters in my chest sometimes … like a very small bird.” He laid a hand lightly over his heart. 

I couldn’t bear the look of his chest, heaving under its impossible burden, and I gently closed his shirt and fastened the tie at the neck. One long, white hand grasped mine.

“How long?” he said. His tone was light, almost unconcerned, displaying no more than a mild curiosity. 

“I don’t know,” I said. “That’s the truth. I don’t know.” 

“But not long,” he said, with certainty. 

“No. Not long. Months perhaps, but almost surely less than a year.” 

“Can you … stop the coughing?” I reached for my kit. “Yes. I can help it, at least. And the heart palpitations; I can make you a digitalin extract that will help.” I found the small packet of dried foxglove leaves; it would take a little time to brew them.”

BTW, Alex’s congestive heart failure could be the result of extra-pulmonary TB or some other unidentified cause.

See Alex slow demise and decline played to perfection by actor, Laurence Dobiesz, in Outlander episode 212, The Hail Mary.  Puir lad! 😢

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo Credits: Sony/Starz; www.aerzteblatt.de; www.infectioncontroltoday.com; www.munchmuseet.no; www.wikipedia.com