Anatomy Lesson 15: “Crouching Grants –  Hidden Dagger”

Greetings everyone! Welcome to Anatomy Lesson #15: The Thoracic Cage. Now, don’t leave this lesson just because the title doesn’t include Jamie! He’s up next time. Promise.

This lesson follows the fascinating self-defense session from Starz episode 8, Both Sides Now, wherein Angus teaches Claire how to kill using the sgian dhu  or hidden dagger. Is Angus’ lesson accurate and are his descriptions anatomically correct? Read on and find out. It will be interesting, I assure you.

A wee note of explanation: I analyze the images and self-defense lesson as an academic. If my comments seem cavalier, please know that the topic matter is difficult for me, too.

Now, knives flash everywhere in this episode. Mayhap RDM wrote it?


Knives are not my specialty (although I’m, um, good with a scalpel) but let’s start the topic with a brief intro to the sgian dhu. Apparently, 17th and 18th century Scots carried this dagger hidden in the sleeve or lining of a jacket. As a guest, however, proper courtesy and etiquette required that Highlanders remove the weapon from hiding and display it in a stocking top (Photo A – red arrow) as depicted in this elegant and manly portrait of Alasdair Ranaldson MacDonell of Glengarry (Henry Raeburn, artist – 1812).


Photo A

If ye recall, an important event leads to Claire’s sgian dhu lesson. Just blame it on the crouching Grants! Aye, those sneaky dudes were hidden in the rocks under veil of darkness with pillage on their minds. Springing from their hiding place, they attack the MacKenzie party and ruin Rupert’s mellifluous waterhorse tale; what a voice that man has!

Happily, Dougal and his fighting warriors quickly prevail and Uncle is so delighted that, wonder of all wonders, he hugs his nephew! I’ve burned this image on my retinas thinking it may be the only time we see Dougal show affection for the lad. Wait ‘til Jamie hears that his uncle has the hots for his new wife…probably no hugging after that.


Next morning the search is on for Jamie’s dirk, lost by Claire during the nighttime scuffle. Ah, gie it to my wife. But alas, the dirk willna work for the lass.


Ned Gowan thinks that someone should teach this leddy how to defend herself. Jamie agrees and war chief Dougal sits honing his dirk with a stone. Ever dapper in his wool bonnet and tidy beard, he intones that “the lass needs a sgian dhu.”Claire is – huh? – until her ruadh gallant translates: “sgian dhu, hidden dagger!”


So, does anyone have a sgian dhu for Claire? To be sure, that crusty solicitor Ned, does. A lot of folks keep theirs hidden in a stocking, but he keeps his “in another more private place”… ahem, who knew? Willie (what a cutie) thinks Ned’s hiding spot is verra clever. Careful Ned, ye need all those body parts and passions lest you lose face time with the strumpets!

Herself writes in the Outlanderbook:

“The tiny sgian dhu, the sock dagger, was deemed acceptable, and I was provided with one of those, a wicked-looking, needle-sharp piece of black iron about three inches long, with a short hilt.”


OK, she’s got a knife but who will give her a lesson? Turns out Angus is “a good man with a blade!” and he’s been waiting to teach Claire a thing or two. I recall him thrusting his dirk while watching Claire in the surgery at Castle Leoch (Starz episode 3, The Way Out) and trying to get a wee “keek at her breests” on her wedding night (Starz episode 7, The Wedding). Naughty Angus!

Herself records in the Outlander book (Here, Rupert is the teacher):

“So I was marched out into the center of a clearing and the lessons began…  After a good deal of amiable discussion, they agreed that Rupert was likely the best among them at dirks, and he took over the lesson.”


Again from Herself’s own hand (Outlander book):

“He found a reasonably flat spot … in which to demonstrate the art of dagger-wielding … “Generally, ye want to use the underhand; overhand is only good when ye’re comin’
down on someone wi’ a considerable force from above.”

Angus demonstrates to dubious Claire several fierce upward jabs with the wee wicked weapon (dare ye to say that rapidly three times in a row).


“Aim straight up and as hard as you can into the heart” is Angus’ genteel advice. First try, Claire stabs upward near Angus’ breast bone and gets a warning! Noooo……. Dinna ye love the look on Angus’ face? He’s such an avid teach!


“Uh, oh, avoid the breast bone – you get your knife stuck in that soft part at the top and you’ll be without a knife.”

Whoa, there’s a tip-top issue here. Angus, did ye really say “at the top?” Ah, well, now, the adult human breastbone doesn’t have a soft spot at the top. After all, we aren’t chickens (well, maybe sometimes) …. I checked the CC script and sure enough the word is top. But, I think Angus says tip not top in which case, he is correct because the breast bone tip can be soft (see below). Mayhap he was misunderstood? Who cares? Anatomists to be sure. Otherwise, Angus’ anatomy lesson is flawless.  Bravo professor Angus!


Lest Angus and Claire get too far ahead of us, let’s halt the lesson and start our own. Gruesome as it may seem, this lesson presents us with a fine opportunity to explore the thoracic cage and vital organs it protects. The thorax is the upper part of the trunk easily distinguished from abdomen because the former contains ribs. From the front, the thorax occupies the region shown in blue (Photo B) and is partially overlaid by chest and abdominal muscles.


Photo B

The bony foundation of the thorax is the thoracic cage composed of thoracic spine (Anatomy Lesson #10), sternum, ribs and rib cartilages (Photo C). Let’s examine these structures.


Photo C

Being verra imaginative men, early anatomists visualized the sternum as a sword and named its components accordingly. Can ye see the sword in Photo D? The sternum is divided into three parts:

  • manubrium (grip of the sword – green),
  • body (blade of the sword – turquoise)
  • xyphoid process (tip of the sword – purple).

At birth, the sternum is typically six separate pieces of cartilage and bone. By 18-22 years, the segments ossify (become bony) into a single bone although the tip may remain soft (cartilaginous) until about age 40. So, yes, Claire’s knife could get stuck in the soft tip – not top!


Photo D

The manubrium (Latin meaning handle) is fused with the body and articulates with costal cartilages of 1st and 2nd ribs (Photo E).  It bears the midline jugular or suprasternal notch (Anatomy Lesson #12) and articulates with the clavicles (Anatomy Lesson #2) at paired sternoclavicular joints.

Try  this: place a finger in your jugular notch and feel bony knobs at each side, the sternoclavicular joints. These are usually visible in a mirror; the thinner the person, the more prominent the joints. With a finger  on one joint, lift, lower, pull forward, pull backward and rotate the same  shoulder; feel the movement? This is truly amazing because the entire skeleton of each upper limb articulates with the thorax only at this single bony contact point!

The body or gladiolus (Latin meaning sword – as in gladiator) is the largest section of sternum; it is fused with manubrium, above and xyphoid process, below. It also articulates with costal cartilages
of ribs 2 – 7. Please palpate yours.

The xyphoid process (Greek meaning sword-like) is fused above with the body but terminates as a free end. Highly variable in shape, it may be curved, depressed, forked, deviated or pierced by a hole. Rarely it remains cartilaginous beyond 40 years.

Try this: suck in your breath as much as possible, hold your breath and lift the chest. Palpate the free tip of your xyphoid process – press gently as it may be tender.


Photo  E

Now, for the ribs: humans typically have 12 pairs of ribs (Photo F). Ribs 1-7 are true ribs because their costal cartilages directly join the sternum; ribs 8 -10 are false ribs because their costal cartilages join with costal cartilages of ribs above (Photo F – black arrows); ribs 11 and 12 are false and floating ribs because they do not join either costal cartilages or sternum. The joined costal cartilages of ribs 7 -10 form right and left costal margins.

Try this: holding your breath, run fingers along the free edge of the left ribs – this is your left costal margin.

Variations in rib count do occur: some individuals may have cervical or lumbar ribs or they may have only 11 pairs. Because of location, cervical ribs can compress arteries and nerves in the neck producing neurological and vascular symptoms. Otherwise, such variations are rarely a source of concern.

Between adjacent ribs are intercostal spaces, 11 pairs total (Photo F – red brackets). Although they appear large and empty in the image below, in life they are narrow and filled with intercostal muscles and fibrous tissue.


Photo F

Ribs vary in size and shape but each has a head (Photo G) which articulates with the bodies of two adjacent vertebrae and the intervening IV disc (Anatomy Lesson #10). Interestingly, if an individual rib is placed on a flat surface, it is seen as a twisted arch that will not lie flat. This twist affects the shape of thoracic cage and intercostal spaces.


Photo G

Another important feature of the rib cage is the manubriosternal joint also known as the sternal angle of Louis. Here, the union between manubrium and body creates a palpable bump (Photo H – side view) and is the level where the costal cartilages of the second ribs attach to the sternum. It is of clinical importance as various structures and anatomical boundaries occur at this joint.

Try this: place fingers in your jugular notch and work downward (about 2” or 5 cm) until you feel a bump; this is the sternal angle of Louis, a very useful landmark for health care workers to count ribs and determine  locations of various thoracic structures. Men have more pronounced sternal angles than do women.

Occasionally, my acquaintances wish to wear heavy necklaces but cannot because of neck pain. I explain that they can likely wear heavy necklaces but only if the jewelry doesn’t fall below the sternal angle. If a heavy necklace is short, then clavicles and manubrium help support weight and relieve neck strain. Try it…


Photo H

Now, back to Angus’ lesson… Next, he redirects Claire’s knife from his sternum to left rib cage. He tells her to stab straight up and into the heart. Having some acumen with a scalpel too, Claire “follows a man’s orders for once” (or wait, isn’t that twice?) with a thrust so convincing that Rupert laughs: “Oh, dinna kill him yet mistress. Wait ‘til the lesson is over!”


Now, is Angus correct: can a 3” blade reach the heart? Oh, aye – Angus scores again! The thoracic cage protects vital organs including heart, lungs and great vessels. In the following image (Photo I – anterior view) we see the heart in blue  overlay with left and right borders shown in silhouette. Although the respiratory diaphragm divides thoracic and abdominal cavities, it rises surprisingly high under cover of the ribs. The heart sits atop the diaphragm and the abdominal liver is just below. Much of the heart lies protected behind the sternum but its point or apex reaches to the left (model’s left – not your left). A backward thrust with a sgian dhu pierces liver, too far left and it pierces lung. To reach the heart the blade must be thrust upward as hard as possible under the left ribs near the sternum so it pierces thoracic diaphragm and heart (yellow arrow).


Photo I

Next, does the shape of the rib cage matter to a sgian dhu wielder? Weel, it should. Angus, for example, has a narrow rib cage and a narrow subcostal angle (Photo J – red lines) formed by union of costal cartilages and xyphoid process. The subcostal angle varies considerably from person to person. A typical angle is roughly 70° but some individuals have a wide rib cage and subcostal angle making a thrust to the heart easier to, erm, execute. In such people, the angle may exceed 100° allowing for a more successful stab.


Photo J

Taking the lesson very seriously, Angus next teaches Claire how to “kill from behind.” Sweet Willie is the model (Murtagh in Outlander book). Poor guy, he gets his share of abuse on this, his first rent trip.

And another fabulous Outlander quote from Herself (again, Rupert is teacher):

“I was timid and extremely clumsy at first, but Rupert was a good teacher, very patient and good about demonstrating moves, over and over.”

Aye, Angus is an excellent teacher as he patiently explains: “Now, this is the spot in the back. Either side will do. Now, you see all the ribs and such? Very difficult to hit anything vital when you stab in the back.”


He continues: “Slip the knife between the ribs, huh? That’s one thing but a lot harder than ye might think.” Now, is Angus correct about stabbing between the ribs, and if so, why? Stay with me now…


Yes, Angus is right! There are three reasons why stabbing between the ribs is difficult. As I explain, please recall that intercostal spaces are filled with intercostal muscles and fibrous tissue (Photo K).

  • The intercostal spaces are not horizontal: most take a downward slope in the back and an upward slope in the front making it difficult to judge where to thrust a blade. Although a few medical papers report stab wounds between the ribs, these are often in the 1st or the  2nd intercostal spaces which are more horizontal than the rest.
  • The intercostal spaces are narrow with an average width of about 2/3” (1.7   cm) so the chance of placing a knife in such curved, thin spaces is slim.
  • Width of the intercostal spaces changes during each breath cycle so it presents a moving target. 

Try this: place a finger in an intercostal space and breathe in as deeply as possible. Feel the change in width at deepest inspiration and again with complete expiration. During deep inspiration, the greatest width is discernible; with deep expiration, you’ll be lucky to feel an intercostal space at all. This reality greatly diminishes the chance of a successful stab into an intercostal space.


Photo K

Returning to the knife lesson, Angus instructs Claire to place her dagger “Here just under the last rib, you stab upward and into the kidney. Straight up – They’ll drop like a stone.” Whew, talk about a backstab! So, Nurse Claire delivers a well-placed thrust “straight up and in. See? Got it.”


So how did Claire do with her lesson? Was she a good student? Jamie’s proud of her knife skills and he can’t wait to get her alone so he can prove it; Murtagh’s thinking that mayhap Claire’s best weapon isn’t poison; and Dougal, well, that’s an admiring eye to be sure! Not sure what’s on yer mind Uncle, but ye best not share it wi’ Jamie!


So, is Angus right – can a 3” blade reach the kidneys from behind? Oh, aye, he scores again! Angus, you are on a roll, man!

Let’s see why. From behind, the thorax includes the area shown in blue (Photo L) and here, the underlying thoracic cage is formed of posterior ribs and thoracic vertebrae (Anatomy Lesson #10).


Photo L

In the back, latissimus dorsi and erector spinae muscles (Anatomy Lesson #10) cover the 11th and 12th ribs of the thoracic cage and deeper yet are the paired abdominal kidneys flanking the spine (Anatomy Lesson #8). A posterior view with muscles removed shows upper poles of right and left kidneys (Photo M- blue overlay) protected by 11th and/or 12th ribs. Note that the right kidney sits lower than the left making it more vulnerable to a knife thrust. This occurs because the right lobe of liver is considerably larger than the left lobe, displacing the right kidney downwards.
But, Angus is correct, either side will do: a 3” blade thrust under either 12th rib near the spine will surely strike a kidney and mayhap its renal artery. Ye may recall that the kidneys receive roughly 22% of the cardiac output (Anatomy Lesson #8)? This extremely high blood flow causes quick and profuse bleeding in the event of a significant laceration. Shock alone from such a wound could cause a person to “drop like a stone”. Although not always in the back, kidney stabs are fairly common injuries seen in urban ERs.


Photo M

Harry a redcoat deserter soon provides Claire with a chance to apply her sgian dhu lesson. Talk about coitus interruptus! Those deserters sure know how to rain on a parade.Warning: If you dinna wish to see or read details about the stab wounds, please skip the next paragraph and three subsequent images.

Herself records the horrific, teeth-jarring attack in the Outlander book (Rupert and Murtaugh – not Angus and Willie):

“I lay back, breathing heavily. I concentrated on my objective, trying to erase everything else from my mind. It would have to be in the back; the quarters were too close to try for the throat….I could see Rupert’s blunt finger stabbing at Murtagh’s ribs, and hear his voice, “Here, lass, up under the lowest ribs, close to the backbone. Stab hard, upward into the kidney, and he’ll drop like a stone……..I slipped my left arm around his neck to hold him close; holding the knife hand high, I plunged it in as hard as I could……… Unable to see, I had aimed too high, and the knife had skittered off a rib. I couldn’t let go now…”


“I stabbed again, with a desperate strength, and this time found the spot. Rupert had been right. Harry bucked in a hideous parody of the act of love, then collapsed without a sound in a limp heap on top of me, blood jetting in diminishing spurts from the wound in his back.”

BTW, happy is the anatomist to see the bright red color of arterial (not dark venous) blood from the stab wound in Harry’s back.


Now, its Jamie’s turn…… his dirk flashes and Arnold instantly joins his pernicious pal in death! Oh, aye, knives are everywhere in this episode!

From the Outlander book, Herself shares:

“Arnold’s attention had been distracted for an instant by the spectacle on the ground, and an instant was more than long enough for the maddened Scotsman he held at bay. By the time I had gathered my wits sufficiently….. Arnold had joined his companion in death, throat neatly cut from ear to ear by the sgian dhu that Jamie carried in his stocking.”

Whew! Jamie’s kill is so swift that I canna capture even one still image of the carnage!


And, not to be outdone by the other card-carrying knifers in episode 8, that crazy bastard, BJR, uses his own blade to harass and torment a terrified Claire. Not only does he destroy her pristine white fichu (how can that be after weeks of camping in mud and dirt?) but he cuts her lacings and tears her shift (aye, he’s a bodice ripper!). But, BJR isna really interested in women or their soft bodies; he wants intel and likes torture.


And, where is Claire’s hidden dagger when she needs it? Och! Safely hidden in the top of her lace-up leather boot whice she can’t reach (not bent over a desktop face-first with her skirts up)! Too bad Claire, otherwise ye could teach BJR your own wee dagger lesson! He’s earned it!

Pssst: just between you and me, I am fairly sure that Claire’s boots at Fort William are not the same ones she wears while climbing Craigh na Dun; the latter look a bit like UGGs! Mayhap there’s a Zappos near the fairy stones??


After all the blood and gore, let’s end this anatomy lesson on a happy note! Here’s the funny sequence between Jamie, Claire and Rupert over Jamie’s lost dirk after the crouching Grant’s attack. It happens so fast that ye may have missed the full effect. So here it is in slow-mo…

Ye recall Claire sighing that Jamie’s dirk is too long and heavy for her? With a huge, cheeky grin plastered on his face, Rupert chuckles “all the lasses say that to me.” Claire looks faintly disgusted. But lass, what’s wrong? Have ye never heard a man make a joke before? Aye, this time he’s the witty one!


Oops! Not sure Jamie likes the double entendre… Suddenly, a wary Rupert isn’t grinning. I wish the camera had caught Jamie’s face as he swings toward the jokester.


Um, Rupert, ye best get while the getting’s good! Jamie doena like other men making ribald jokes to his wife. It’s one thing to pummel Jamie when he willna fight back, but ye likely won’t win if and when he decides ye are fish bait.


Aye, Rupert gets the message. Off he goes!


Claire finds the joke a wee bit amusing but Jamie isna smiling. Bye, bye, Rupert. For a big man, ye move pretty fast!


So, Jamie gets back his knife and rewards Claire by showing off. It’s not the first time we’ve seen him, erm, play with his blade. As Claire kens well, he’s darn good with a blade!


In closing, remember that the thoracic cage is a bony envelope formed of sternum, ribs, costal cartilages and thoracic vertebrae; it is engineered to protect vital organs including heart, lungs, great vessels and kidneys. Although vulnerable to trauma, a stab attack to the thoracic cage and its enclosed organs must be executed effectively to impose lethal harm. Mayhap Angus should teach the next Anatomy Lesson, you say? If I need guidance, I’ll ask. Snort!


A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

You can now follow me on Facebook and Twitter!

Photo creds: Starz, Gray’s Anatomy,
39th ed., Netter’s Atlas
of Human Anatomy, 4th ed., Clinically
Oriented Anatomy, 5th ed., Hollingshead’s
Textbook of Anatomy, 5th ed.,

A Baker’s Dozen of Outlander Anatomy Lessons!


Imagine…last September Ronald D. Moore, his brilliant team and Starz rocked our world giving us a visual treat to complement Diana’s splendid Outlander books. I also started my first blog and entre into the fascinating world of social media – a significant contrast to the ivory tower where I’ve spent most of my life! I just love teaching Human Anatomy through the Outlander lens. Thanks to all who join me in the lecture hall!

Here’s a list of the first 13 Anatomy Lessons. Enjoy yer studies and be sure to check back for a special Anatomy Lesson on Valentine’s Day!

Anatomy Lesson #13 – “Frank and BJR” or ‘Face Off’ 

Anatomy Lesson #12“Claire’s Neck” or “The Ivory Tower”

Anatomy Lesson #11“Jamie’s Face” or “Ye do it Face to Face?”

Anatomy Lesson #10“Jamies Back” or “Aye, Jamie’s Back!”

Anatomy Lesson #9“The Gathering” or “Gore by a Boar”

Anatomy Lesson #8“Jamie Takes a Beating and Claire’s Healing Touch”

Anatomy Lesson #7“Jamies Thighs” or “Ode to Joy!”

Anatomy Lesson #6“Claire’s Hair – Jamies Mane or Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!”

Anatomy Lesson #5“Claire’s Skin – Ivory Opal and White Velvet”

Anatomy Lesson #4“Jamie’s Chest” or “The 8th Wonder of the World!”

Anatomy Lesson #3“Bad Day at Cocknammon Rock” or “Wee Bonny Fingers on My Collar Bone!”

Anatomy Lesson #2“When Claire Meets Jamie” or “How to Fall In Love While Reducing a Dislocated Shoulder Joint!”

Anatomy Lesson #1“Jamie’s Tush” or “Bottom’s Up!”

A deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter!

Anatomy Lesson #11: “Jamie’s Face” or “Ye do it Face-to-Face?”

We humans communicate via written word, oral articulation, body language and facial expression.

Welcome to Anatomy Lesson #11 where we learn about muscles that give expression ta the face; it telegraphs more emotional content than perhaps any other body part (Image A) and it’s probably the main way the world recognizes each of us.

WARNING: if ye are a wee bit squeamish, this post contains drawings of the skull and facial muscles sans skin. But, if you concentrate on the science queasiness is usually replaced by the intellectual challenge of learning. I promise. Be brave!


Image A

This lesson starts and ends with Jamie. Why? Can you name an actor with a more expressive face? Frankly (no, not that Frank), I think our ruadh Jamie ranks up there with expressives such as Sir Anthony Hopkins and Sir Laurence Olivier. His range of facial expression is so great that there are times he looks like a different actor! Check the next image: at first glance, his gorgeous countenance appears serene but look again: it fair beams wi’ intelligence, determination, calculation and wit (Starz episode 4, The Gathering)!


And, I’ll be saying that Jamie is no afraid to use his muscles of facial expression if they yield keener insight into his emotional state – here as the warrior furiously fighting the Grants (Starz episode 8, Both Sides Now).


OK – on to the lesson!

Skull: Several skull bones provide attachments for muscles of facial expression (Image B). Please palpate (feel) these on your own skull: the bone of your forehead is the unpaired frontal bone; at the back of the skull is the unpaired occipital bone; the cheeks are mostly the paired zygomatic bones (Anatomy Lesson 8); the upper teeth are seated in paired maxillary bones; the lower teeth anchored into the unpaired mandible; the bridge of the nose is formed by paired nasal bones.

Try this: Grip the bridge of your nose wiggle it – normally, it doesn’t move. Now, work your fingers toward the tip until you feel bone give way to soft tissue – at this point the nasal bones are joined to nasal cartilages which you can easily wiggle.


Image B

The human face has 20+ pair of muscles of facial expression (Image C – not all muscles are shown). Little wonder that the face can display an astonishing range of emotion with more than 40 individual muscles plus working individually or in groups for combined effects!

Facial muscles vary considerably from person to person. Most are thin, flat and subcutaneous (just under the skin). Some attach to skull bones, or to the dermis of the skin (Anatomy Lesson 5 & Anatomy Lesson 6) or with other facial muscles. Thus, some have no bony attachments at all. As these muscles contract, the skin wrinkles at right angles to the direction of the muscles fibers, which over time gives rise to wrinkles. They also have strange names that are pronounced like they are spelled.


Image C

The muscles of facial expression develop from the same embryonic region and all are innervated by the paired facial nerves which arise from the brain (Image D).

Each facial nerve leaves the skull via a hole (foramen) just below the ear canal and breaks into 5 branches that supply the muscles of facial expression. (psst…The large bumpy orange mass at the side of the face is the right parotid (salivary) gland).


Image D

We anatomists love using devices and mnemonics to help us remember the myriad of names and details of the human body. It’s a mess of info you ken? Here is a fun one to recall the branches of the facial nerve (Image E); it’s a teaching device – not intended to intimidate the wee lassie. I like this acronym to recall the branches: To Zanzibar By Motor Car!


Image E

The paired facial nerves signal the muscles of facial expression to contract! If a facial nerve is compromised by injury, etc., then the facial muscles are paralyzed on the same side. This condition, known as Bell’s palsy, is demonstrated in the archival photo of a gentleman from the late 1800s (Image  F). The right side of his face (on your left) has lost expression: he cannot close the eyelid, his mouth droops and his smile (nasolabial) fold is flattened.

Bell’s palsy is a difficult, debilitating and depressing condition because, as noted earlier, our face is how we face the world. To honor contributions by Scots to medical science (there are many) the syndrome bears the name of the man who first described it:  Dr. Charles Bell (1774-1842) surgeon, anatomist and graduate of The University of Edinburgh. Pertinent to this topic and based on his anatomical knowledge, in 1806 Bell published “Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting” for the instruction of artists.


Image F

Back to the muscles of facial expression!

For simplicity, I divide the face into five regions, naming their facial muscles and providing examples from Outlander cast members. Please ken that I canna cover all the muscles of facial expression nor all the cast for such a post would be way toooo long.

Region #1 – Forehead/Eyebrows: Four paired muscles act in this region but we will discuss only three pairs (Image G):

    • Frontalis (black arrow),
    • Occipitalis (blue arrow) and
    • Corrugator supercilii (purple arrow)

NOTE: Skin overlying the corrugator supercilii (purple arrow) receives it own name,  glabella, meaning smooth. At rest, the skin between the eyebrows  is smooth unless the corrugator contracts and then it wrinkles.

Frontalis: Fibers of the frontalis muscles are oriented vertically from a connective tissue sheet overlying the skull (galea aponeurotica – grey in Image G) to the dermis o’ the eyebrows. Frontalis muscles raise the eyebrows and wrinkle the skin of the forehead as in asking a question or expressing concern.


Image G

Now, several of you have begged for Dougal in a lesson. So, here he is with both frontalis muscles contracted as he interrogates Claire (Starz episode 5, Rent).


Occipitalis: The paired occipitalis muscles (Image G 🤞🏻) are oriented vertically from the occipital bone to the galea aponeurotica. When they contract, forehead skin is pulled backward.

As Claire causes kissus interruptus, Jamie contracts his occipitalis muscles and his forehead and scalp are pulled backward (Starz episode 7, The Wedding)! Watch the episode again (as if you need an excuse) to see his occipitalis muscles in action and you’ll ken what I mean.

Claire, what a tease! (psst…Jamie, if the lass willna do her duty, in the interest of science I’m sure there are plenty of others willing to step in…just sayin’!)


Corrugator supercili: Fibers of the paired corrugator supercilii are oriented diagonally from the frontal bone to the dermis between the eyebrows (Image G 🤞🏻). As they contract the brows “knit” together creating vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows as in worry, frown or puzzlement. Here, Claire watches as Geordie nears death at the tynchal (Starz episode 4, The Gathering).


Q: Now, here’s a more complicated facial expression: Jamie watches a foul redcoat deserter assault Claire (Starz episode 8, Both Sides Now). Which muscles of his forehead are contracted?


A: Well, turns out both frontalis and corrugator supercilli muscles contract to reflect terror, despair or helplessness. Jamie looks to be in agony here. Good job if you named either muscle!

Region #2, Eyelids: One pair of facial muscles operates the eyelids, the orbicularis oculi (Image H – black arrow).

Orbicularis oculi are paired elliptical muscles attaching to frontal and maxillary bones and to a fibrous band at the inner corner of each eyelid.

    • Orbital loops of each orbicularis oculus rise to the brows, reach the temple and overlay the zygomatic bone.
    • Palpebral loops extend into the upper and lower eyelids.

Contraction of orbicularis oculi close the eyelids to varying degrees. (NOTE: the eyelids are opened by muscles that do not belong to muscles of facial expression.)


Image H

Here is a funny scene from Starz episode 5, Rent: Dougal is telling the Highlanders about auld granny Mary asking her husband what he was thinking “when ye first saw me nipples!”

Note the crow’s feet at the corner of his right eye (L not visible)? These are caused by contraction of each orbicularis oculus muscle – here in an expression of mirth. Dougal is so into his story that he drools! It happens quickly, but you can see a wee sliver of saliva after it drops from his mouth (red arrow). Verra funny!


In the same episode Jamie tells Claire: “Dinna worry – trees are safe, Sassenach” (much safer than Uncle Dougal. Aye?).

Here only the orbicularis oculi of his lower eyelids are contracted giving him the Fraser cat’s eyes and broad cheekbones that Herself attributes to Jamie.


Here’s Claire’s with her eyelids closed because the palpebral parts of her orbicularis oculi muscles are fully contracted. She’s just told Jamie that his dirk is too long and heavy for her (Starz episode 8, Both Sides Now). Snort! Rupert replies that the lassies say that to him all the time so Claire gives him a look of mild disgust. Naughty Rupert! 


Region #3, Upper Lip: A whopping five pair of muscles operate the upper lip (Image I)! We’ll cover four of the pairs:

    • zygomaticus major (purple arrow),
    • levator labii superioris alaeque nasii (green arrow) and
    • rizorius (blue arrow).
    • orbicularis oris (black arrows) operates both upper and lower lips


Image I

Zygomaticus major: Zygomaticus major reaches from the zygomatic bone to the corner of the lips. Its contraction pulls the corners upward as in a smile. Jamie shows a good one here (Starz episode 5, Rent).

Claire has just declared that Angus can “kiss her bloody English ass.” Jamie canna help but grin – she’s a spirited lass and he likes her potty mouth. Hey, hey, did you also ken that he has cheek dimples? Too cute!


Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (LLSAN): The LLSAN muscles have the longest name of the 600+ skeletal muscles of the human body but they are small. The name is Latin for “lifter o the upper lip and wing of the nose”.

Each muscle arises from the maxillary bone and divides into two slips – one to the upper lip and the other to a nostril. In plain English, the lip-slip lifts the lip into a snarl and has been tagged “The Elvis Muscle”. Well, Rupert beat Elvis out by two centuries when he snarls at Claire “Horse, my cock” (Starz episode 4, The Gathering)! Yep, that’s his right LLSAN muscle contracting.


The other slip of LLSAN flares the nostril (red arrow). It’s quick but here Jamie flares his nostrils as he tells Claire he reckons they will be riding all that night and the next one too (Starz episode 1, Sassenach)! There is a better one of his flaring nostrils but I’ll be saving that for a later lesson!


Risorius: Rizorius muscles reaches from the parotid glands (Image I 🤞🏻) to the corner of the lips. As they contract, the mouth pulls into a grim, flat smile – here, Jamie kens just how pissed Claire is about the  marriage contract (Starz episode 6, The Garrison Commander)!


Orbicularis oris:  Orbicularis oris circles the mouth but isn’t a sphincter; it is a complex of four interlacing quadrants of muscle that contract to:

  • Close the mouth
  • Pucker the lips
  • kiss
  • Play brass instruments
  • Spit

See it in action here as Jamie warns Claire that he will brook no dissent from her – aye, she is coming with him (Starz episode 1, Sassenach)! If she willna walk then he will pick her up and throw her over his shoulder! Does she want him to do that? Her mouth says no, but her heart says, oh aye!


And here is Claire’s orbicularis oris muscle getting into the act as she puckers up and spits in the face of BJR (Starz episode 1,Sassenach)!  Doesna matter if he does look like Frank, the smart lass wants nothing to do with this bloody bastard!


Region #4, Lower Lip: The lower lip has 5 paired muscles that activate it. The lower lip is also moved by the unpaired orbicularis oris but it has already been discussed above 🤞🏻. We will cover four (Images J & K):

    • mentalis (green)
    • depressor anguli oris (purple arrow)
    • platysma (blue arrows)
    • depressor labii inferioris (see Image K)


Image J

Mentalis: Mentalis muscles contract to pucker the chin skin. See Mrs. Fitz (red arrow) asking God to bless Claire for saving her nephew, Tammas Baxter (Starz episode 3, The Way Out).

Just so you understand, the lips are everted by other muscles. Mrs. Fitz adores Claire. She would have the Miracle Worker sit for a portrait if it were up to her!


Depressor anguli oris: Depressor anguli oris muscles pass from the mandible to the orbicularis oris muscle (Image J). As they contract, the lower lip is drawn down; Claire contracts both of hers to demonstrate disgust at the British treatment of the Scots (Starz episode 6, The Garrison Commander). Her outspoken words place her in the hands of BJR!


Platysma: Each platysma is a long, thin flat muscle that begins in the dermis near the 2nd rib, passes over the jaw and ends in the dermis near the lower lip; it has no bony connections and is sometimes listed as a muscle o’ the neck (Photo J).

Have ye noticed how a horse can quiver its skin to rid itself of flies? It has a pair of muscle equivalent to the human platysma. As our platysmas contract, they pull down the lower lips and wrinkle the skin of the neck conveying the expression of a grimace.

Here we see Jamie with his platysmas contracted (red arrows) after he hoists Dougal over his shoulder because his uncle was playing dirty shinty (Starz episode 4, The Gathering)!


  • Depressor labii inferioris:  The fifth and last pair of lower lip muscles is depressor labii superioris, green in Image K. This muscle extends from mandible to dermis of lower lip. As its name implies, it pulls down on the lower lip. Couldn’t find a good Outlander example so the drawing must do.

Image K

Region #5, Cheek: Each facial cheek contains one muscle, the buccinator (Photo L – black arrows); it hides deep to risorius muscles. Each muscle starts near the back of the jaw and blends wi’ the orbicularis oris. It’s known as the bugler’s muscle fer guid reason; try this, fill yer mouth wi’ air and push out yer cheeks. The bulging cheeks contain the buccinators. Now, draw yer cheeks inward ta blow out the air; ye just contracted yer buccinators. Congrats!


Image L

Here, Jamie’s right buccinator (green arrow – canna see the left one) is expanded as he contemplates one of a bazillion questions thrown at him.


That brings our lesson on the muscles of facial expression to a close.

but, here is something to contemplate…. in case you think that animals cannot have facial expression take a wee keek at these next four images (Starz episode 5, Rent).

In this scene, Rupert has just told the Highlanders how he was stuck between hairlip Chrissie and sweaty Nettie trying to decide which one to swive first. Sassy-lassie Claire declares that she believes his left hand is jealous of his right! This brazen comment is followed by a moment of tension where everyone, especially Jamie, awaits Rupert’s Response (sounds like the title of a book – Aye?). Jamie gets the joke right away.


Takes a few seconds but then the other Highlanders get her joke! Jamie’s zygomatic majors are contracted here in a big old grin! Then, Brimstone gets the joke!


Brimstone is really getting into it along with Jamie!

BTW did you notice the beautiful cutwork on Brimstone’s bridle? Dinna know who did the leather work but it’s almost as lovely as Claire’s wardrobe which Mrs. Fitz puts together sometime between supper after the boar hunt and first light the next day as they head off to collect the rents! (That Mrs. Fitz sure is a miracle worker herself). I figure the covered wagon they take is to carry Claire’s wardrobe – it would put a queen to shame!


And finally, the full horse laugh from Brimstone. Och, ye are a witty one, Claire!


Now I promised you that I would begin and end with Jamie. I have pondered how it is that he has such an expressive face. Here are my ideas:

  • He has more muscles of facial expression than most folk!  Aye, it happens and I have seen examples in the dissection lab.
  • His facial muscles are more highly innervated giving greater control over them.
  • He is a keen observer of human emotional nuance and highly intuitive which allows him to feel his way through a character more than most actors.
  • His emotional intelligence derives from some combination of the above.

Whatever the explanation, we viewers are the lucky beneficiaries of his acting skills. So, thank ye Jamie!

Here’s a terrific example from Starz episode 3, The Way Out as Claire unties Jamie’s stock to check his gunshot wound: with little more than sideward glance, a slight narrowing of the eyelids and a wee tug of the lips, Jamie conveys extreme discomfort and smoldering UST! Och, if ye dinna know what it means, check!


I hope ye enjoyed learning about the verra important muscles of facial expression, especially Jamie’s!

And for those who are new to my blog, a note of explanation: I follow the convention of using character’s names rather than actor’s names. This gives the cast at least one degree of separation and a wee modicum of respect as I dissect their bodies with words! I hope you all understand!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Image credits: Sony/Starz, Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy, 4th ed., Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 5th ed., Hollingshead’s Textbook of Anatomy, 5th ed.,,