Outlander Book Club – Episode 11

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As withoutlander continues, quench your thirst with this week’s Outlander Book Club led by that lively trio, Ryan Hooks, Keetin Marchi and Jennifer Barnes! Here is this week’s Book Club link: http://bit.ly/1NeBpif.
Remember to follow @thestreamtv and the hosts on Twitter:
Ryan Hooks – @ryanhooks92
Keetin Marchi – @KeetinMarchi
Jennifer Barnes – @ohheyjenbarnes

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

Hold Fast Jamie!

One more day and Wentworth Prison (Starz Episode 115) is here! Claire and her posse survey the daunting task ahead. Impossible? Do ye not ken the Fellowship of the Ring, where in one hobbit and eight companions took on a balrog, Shelob and thousands of orcs, fell beasts, wargs, Nazguls and won? Our Highland Fellowship is at least as strong, clever and able as a wee guy with hairy feet.

riding to wentworth

Way worse than Saruman, no man, especially Jamie, is safe as BJR stalks the stone corridors of that dank gaol. This demon sucks light like a black hole: “I dwell in darkness, madam. Darkness is where I belong. “


Hold fast and have faith Jamie! The Highland fellowship is on its way!

jamie crushed

Claire isn’t about to go down without a fight. That’s it girl! Get in his face and let him have it! I can’t wait to see Claire unleash her wit and fury against this mad bastard! Are we with her?!!

claires wrath

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist